題 名 | 競爭法上之概括條款--公平法第二十四條法律適用原則與規範功能之再檢討(下)=General Clause of the Competition Law--Reexamination of the Normative Function of § 24 of the Fair Trade Law (2) |
作 者 | 吳秀明; | 書刊名 | 政大法學評論 |
卷 期 | 85 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁173-261 |
分類號 | 585.8 |
關鍵詞 | 概括條款; 限制競爭; 不公平競爭; 消費者保護; 公平交易法; 競爭法; 窮盡規範原則; 三階門檻理論; General clause; Fair trade law; Competition law; Restraints of trade; Unfair competition; Consumer protection; Fair trade commission; Theory of the three-levels-thresholds; Principal of exhausting regulation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公平交易法第二十四條不僅在規範體例上,為我國競爭法上最為完整而重要之概括條款,在實務上也有大量之案例,其實務意義不容置疑。值得注意的是,本條所賴以處理大量且多樣性之案件者,係相當抽象模糊之構成要件,然後再於案例中逐漸予以具體化。這雖是適用概括條款之必然過程,惟不斷分化擴張第二十四條適用領域之結果,易使得本條之實質內涵、適用範圍與界線,已逐漸在法律人掌握之外,更遑論一般事業及消費者。如果行政機關之介入市場欠缺相當之自制,而其據以管制之法律規定又要件模糊,則私法自治與契約自由極可能會被政府不當之破壞。惟諸多未構成公平法其他規定之欺罔或顯失公平之行為,也需要國家監督。上述兩者如何妥適調和,為適用公平法第二十四條最重要而艱難之任務。本文之主旨,即在於就此一問題進行思考與討論,探究本條適用之範圍與界限何在。 |
英文摘要 | § 24 of the Taiwanese Fair Trade Law (FTL) which provides that an enterprise shall not conduct deceptive or obviously unfair acts that are sufficient to affect trading order constitutes a so-called "General Clause" of the FTL. The Taiwanese competition authority, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC), has made over 700 decisions-and it’s over 30% of all the decisions made by the FTC-in accordance with this pro-vision in the last 13 years. Moreover, the number of the cases relating to § 24 FTL has reached the first place among all kinds of FTL-cases since 2000. This “General Clause” has therefore enormous practical significance, although the FTC can handle it only according to very vague elements of this Article. Clarifying the normative functions of this regulation, forming the categories of the deceptive or obviously unfair practices that are prohibited under this article, limiting its application within reasonable range and in proper field and setting up criteria for the legal judgments are the urgent tasks of the FTC as well as the Taiwanese competition lawyer. Based on theories of competition law, this paper attempts to develop a systematical framework for the analysis of relating cases in order to improve the transparency of the contents of this abstract “General Clause”. |