題 名 | 印度民族女性服飾、化妝與髮型之研究=Study on Costume, Make-up and Hairstyles of Indian Women |
作 者 | 詹慧珊; 林容慧; 朱惠英; | 書刊名 | 中華家政學刊 |
卷 期 | 38 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁1-16 |
分類號 | 538.12 |
關鍵詞 | 服飾; 紗麗; 化妝; 髮型; Costume; Sari; Make-up; Hairstyles; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 印度在世界擁有傲人的歷史來自幅員進闊國土及地理環境,多民族所形成殊異的文化風格,造就複雜而多元之民族意識及特色,尤其在人文風采、藝術雕塑和城市景觀上。本文以印度民族女性為研究對象,採歷史研究及文獻分析法,從歷史背景文化習俗,探討印度女性服飾、化妝與髮型之特色,以作為相關領域學者或業界機構之參酌。具體而言結論如下:1.服飾方面:宗教性及地域性表現了印度服裝的包容度,”多樣”是其主要特色;其次染織技術發達,展現於精緻的織染品,以明豔色澤融合地域性風采,呈弄於印度傳統服飾”紗麗”上,獨特纏繞方式與優雅飄逸特性,附加琳琅滿目飾品,在各民族服飾中,具有強列而神秘之美感。2.化妝、髮型方面:使用香味郁濃之天然植物作為彩妝用品,以大地色系為整體色調,著重眼部及額部裝飾,以襯托鮮明的臉部輪廓;發展象徵性紋身藝術,呈現當地地域性文化習俗。髮型以中分線為主,兩側髮流後梳以頭巾覆蓋,著重頭飾品的裝扮,喜於穿戴飾各種裝飾:如耳環、鼻環、項練、臂環、腿環等。承襲多年歷史沿革和宗教習俗,印度女性以華美之容姿裝扮,展現獨特的民族特色和地域文化之風格。 |
英文摘要 | India boasts a proud history in the world. The vast territory and geographical environment with cultural characteristics composed of different peoples bring the complicated and diversified nationalist consciousness and characteristics, especially on the humanistic presence, artistic sculpture, and city landscape. The article aims at Indian women to discuss their characteristics of costume, make-up and hairstyles with historical research and document analysis approach from historical background and cultural customs as the reference of scholars or businesses in the relevant fields. The concrete conclusions are found as: 1. Costume-the religiousness and localness express the tolerance of Indian costume with “diversity” as the major characteristic; the developed dyeing and weaving skills are fully displayed in the delicate woven and dyed products. The bright colors in combination with local characteristics are presented in the traditional “sari.” The unique entwining with natural grace and dazzling accessories brings strong beauty of mystery. 2. Make-up and hairstyles: Natural plants with rich fragrance as the make-up products with ground colors as the overall hues. Emphasis is made on accessories on eyes and necks to set off bright facial outlines. Symbolic tattoo art was developed to present local regional culture and customs. In hairstyles, hair is separated from the middle with hair on the two sides combed backwards and covered by scarves. Indian women pay attention to decoration of hair accessories and like to wear different kinds of accessories such as earrings, nose rings, necklaces, arm rings and leg rings, etc. adopting the historical course of many past years and regional customs, they express the unique national characteristics and regional cultural styles with their gorgeous appearance. |