題 名 | 營建防災管理與都市環境倫理=Management of Construction Disaster Prevention and Urban Environmental Ethics |
作 者 | 文祖湘; 蕭玥涓; | 書刊名 | 中央大學人文學報 |
卷 期 | 29 民93.06 |
頁 次 | 頁133-156 |
分類號 | 198.3615 |
關鍵詞 | 營建科技; 營建防災管理; 都市環境規劃; 先發式管理作為; 營建工程生命週期; 環境成本分析; 生態規劃; 綠建築; 管理哲學; 源頭管理; 末端管理; Construction technology; Management of construction disaster prevention; Urban environmental planning; Proactive management; Life cycle of construction; Environmental cost benefit analysis; Ecological planning; Green building; Managerial philosophy; Source management; Distal management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「營建」(營造建築)乃人類活動的一部分,其本意原為改變自然環境,打造出適合人類集居生存系統,旨在創造更好的生活品質,促進民眾的公共福祉。但若因為營建從業人員規劃、設計或施工不當,不但有可能在營運人力與成本上造成無謂的損失,且有可能在環境生態上造成不可復原的損傷,因此任何一位營建工作者對於「營建環保」,特別是「環境倫理」,都應該要有較深入的瞭解和完整的體認。 尤其近年來國內營建環保和永續發展的意識日益提升,此所以內政部在去(民國九十二)年二月所舉辦的「國土計畫法(草案)研討會」將「減少災害發生,防止災害擴大,維護國土之保全。」明文列入「國土計畫法」草案中第九條,作為今後國土利用的基本政策之一,更為國內之「營建防災管理」工作豎立一指標性的政策。 為避免都市機能因遭受重大營建災變的直接或間接衝擊而癱瘓,因此亟有必要及早研析建立符合國情民需而又快速、效率的「營建防災管理」之基本體制,以健全強化緊急應變功能,且透過長期推動建設,實現安全都市的理想,並善盡維護國土及確保國民生命、身體、財產安全之國家基本責任與義務。 本文主要採取「文獻分析法」,將「營建環保」、「都市規劃」和「防災管理」相關理論作一系統性的整合,且拓荒式地跨足現代營建從業人員所最待加強的「環境倫理」領域;從而檢討我國目前「營建防災管理」相關政策與機制之優缺,並提出「營建工程生命週期」之建議,期能彌補臺灣目前整體防災理論與體制之不足。 |
英文摘要 | Construction is a human endeavor to utilize natural resources to create man-made environment to accommodate people's needs to survival, live and produce. For a long time, people, through costruction, have enjoyed the rich natural resources and rich human civilization resources. Construction does contribute to enchance the public welfare. However, more and more improper construction events may easily increase the business running costs as well as irreversible damage to our environment. It thus exists a need to call attention for the importance of construction disaster prevention. While sustainable development has become a worldwide mainstream value, this paper is conducted to call attention for our people and also for the authorities of the government to pay attention to the importance of environmental ethics of construction. In doing so, this paper provides some strategic thinking about proactive management of urban construction disaster prevention afterward. And through it, the urban environment may hopefully built much toward the goals of sustainable development. |