題 名 | 臺灣弱勢族群成人遠距學習在多元文化教育上的意義=The Significance of the Multicultural Education on Distance Learning for the Disadvantaged Adults in Taiwan |
作 者 | 吳文琴; | 書刊名 | 國立空中大學社會科學學報 |
卷 期 | 13 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁1-33 |
分類號 | 529.9 |
關鍵詞 | 弱勢族群; 遠距學習; 多元媒體教學; 多元文化教育; 成人教育; 遠距教育; The multicultural education; The disadvantage adults; Adult education; Instructional media; Distances learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣社會弱勢人口是迫切需要教育機會的提供,給予實質的學習與進修內涵提升生活能力,以取代社會福利所給予的消極救濟。再學習的結果不僅可以為個人及其家庭轉型,進而為社會注入一股股新的人力資源。易言之,藉著成人教育過程,將原本的社會負債轉變成國家新興的資產,減輕國家財政的負擔。成人教育的學習管道不一而足,對於一般身心強健的都會成人走出家門參與學習,沒有任何問題或困難,然而對於身心障礙人士、偏遠地區的居民或原住民同胞、老人家等民眾而言,不見得方便而能夠令他們樂於參加。因此,透過多元媒體教學的遠距學習管道,便成為他們參與終身學習的最佳選擇。 在多元化的社會裡,不僅社會成員多元,生活方式元,族群文化多元,學習管道多元…等,不勝牧舉,唯一不變的準則就是「尊重」與「包容」,「公平」與「正義」。因此,多元文化教育明確詮釋,生活在民主的社會裡,尊重與包容精神的可貴,公平與正義價值更須珍惜。弱勢族群民眾的存在,需要其他優勢族群的尊重與包容,需要社會公平正義的鼓勵,而遠距教育可以提供便利的學習管道,促進他們獲取謀生的基本知能,擺脫社會不利人口的束縛。本文將從多元文化教育的理念基礎闡述起,探討臺灣多元文化教育的發展與願景之建構,進而探究臺灣弱勢族群參與成人遠距學習,在多元文化教育上的意義與價值。從成人遠距學習「多元媒體運用」的特性分析,顯示弱勢族群參與遠距媒體學習,在多元文化教育上確實具有公平正義的社會價值。從成人遠距學習「時時處處可學習」的特性探析,展現多元文化教育培養社會人文關懷的價值。 從成人遠距學習「無遠弗屆」的傳播效能,以及「以學習者為中心」的特性析論,符合多元文化教育理念中,多元社會文化學習取向的人道主義價值。 |
英文摘要 | It is necessary earnestly that the disadvantage adults in Taiwan are able to learn to prmote their living capacity, but not to accept assistances from the government forever. Therefore, the approach of adult education can not only offer the disadvantaged adults a hopeful future, but also decrease the heavy financial loading of the government partly. In fact, the learning models of adult education are open and multiple for the normal adult learners, but it is probably not convenient for the disadvantaged, such as aboriginal, disabilities, senior citizen, proverties, etc., to take part in learning instead of distance learning by instructional media. In the multiple socieites, it is so important that the multiple people always need “respect”, “contain”, “fair” and “justice” in the living styles, the race culture, the learning models, and so on. To discuss the significance of the multicultural education on distance learning for the disadvantaged adults in Taiwan, the author has expressed the overview in multicultural education concepts first of all, analyzed the development and expectation on the multicultural education in Taiwan secondarily, then described the meaning with valuation from the multicultural education such as “multiple media” vs. “justice of social value”, “learning anytime and anywhere” vs. “humanistic value”, which the disadvantaged adults in Taiwan were inspired to take part in distance learning in the end. |