題 名 | 大村地區液化潛能分析=The Evaluation of Soil Liquefaction Potential in Dat-Suen Area |
作 者 | 許懷後; 鄭銀河; | 書刊名 | 建國科大學報 |
卷 期 | 24:4 民94.07 |
頁 次 | 頁27-39 |
分類號 | 441.12 |
關鍵詞 | 土壤液化; 細料含量; SPT-N值; Soil liquefaction; Fines content; SPT-N values; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民國88年9月21日凌晨1點47分於南投縣集集鎮附近發生芮氏規模達7.3之強烈地震,在臺灣中部地區內發生明顯的土壤液化現象,對於一般民宅、公共結構物、與維生管線造成極為嚴重的傷害。本研究選取大村地區3處位置進行鑽探SPT試驗與取樣,並操作土壤之一般物理試驗。結果顯示土層多為飽和砂性土壤厚層,BH-1鑽孔細料含量在10%~46%之間,BH-2鑽孔之細料含量為8%~32%之間,BH-3鑽孔細料含量則在6%~32%之間。依據物理試驗之結果,採用Seed簡易經驗法(簡稱Seed法)與Tokimatsu and Yoshimi液化評估法(簡稱T & Y法)進行液化潛能分析,結果顯示Seed法較T & Y法為保守,BH-1鑽孔附近之液化潛能屬中度(Seed法)至無(T & Y法)液化區,BH-2與BH-3鑽孔附近之液化潛能屬嚴重(Seed法)至輕微(T & Y法)液化區。 |
英文摘要 | On September 21 1999, the Chi-Chi earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 hit Taiwan. Soil liquefaction and ground settlement caused great damages on buildings, bridges, and life lines in central Taiwan area. This research selected 3 sites located in the major liquefaction areas of Dat-Suen to investigate the mechanism of soil liquefaction in this earthquake. Soil specimens were tested to get their physical properties. Results show that soil layers near these 3 bore holes (BH-1, BH-2, BH-3) are thick saturated sandy layers. The fines content is 10% to 46% at BH-1, 8% to 32% at BH-2, and 6% to 32% at BH-3. The Seed method and Tokimatsu and Yoshimi method (T&M method) were adopted to evaluate soil liquefaction potential in these two areas. Results show that the Seed method is more conservative than T&M method. The soil liquefaction potentials near selected sites are slight to none for BH-1 and are heavy to slight for BH-2 and BH-3. |