題 名 | 「治理責任」的思考:民主時代中的儒法治道=On Governing Responsibility: Confucianism-Legalism' Ideas of Governing in the Democratic Era |
作 者 | 許雅棠; | 書刊名 | 東吳政治學報 |
卷 期 | 21 民94.09 |
頁 次 | 頁63-113 |
分類號 | 573 |
關鍵詞 | 權責; 職責; 威信; 誠信; 治重於政; The Duty pointdimension of responsibility; The power pointdimension of responsibility; Rule by law and rule of law; Governing realities and behaviors are more important than the political documents and institutions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 從君主到民主,傳統中國政治思想的光環消退殆盡,不是看成過時古董,就是看成有害毒物。總之,都已不值得身處民主時代的讀書人嚴肅對待。本文對此則仍有遲疑,我從「治理責任」的問題入手,分別「職責論」與「權責論」兩種看待治理責任的思考,前者淵源於古老中國,後者則是西方的產物,而由於西力普罩,中國的「職責論」乃湮沒不彰,以主權或權力為著眼的權責論則成為讀書人論述研究的主題與思考的憑藉。不過,本文以R.A. Dahl和M. Weber的思考為例,說明治理責任在自由民主的思想浪潮之中,不是消解於民主選舉的程序,流於各種無止盡的學說爭議,即是委由主政者個人的世界觀決定,當代政治學受人重視卻不受人敬重的道理或在於此。我乃引介比論儒法兩家最在乎的「為政立信」,並輔以浦薛鳳「治重於政」的認識,以及「案例實證」、「信任評鑑」和「誠信治理」三個實踐層面的證據,嘗試為政立信具有獨立客觀的普世實踐意義找一些思考的資源和實證注脚,用以支持治理責任實有其獨立於民主思維,並足以決定一國治理成敗的人事律則與具體內容。如果這種說法還有可信服之處,那麼古老中國的政治思想也許就不再是過時的古董或有害的毒物。 |
英文摘要 | From the Imperial age to the Democratic age, the laurel of Chinese traditional political thoughts has been dying out to be looked as outdated antique or even harmful article. Although there are some doubts about it, intellectuals seldom take it seriously now. This article proposes two thinking modes of governing responsibility: “the duty dimension of responsibility” and “the power dimension of responsibility”. The former originated from the ancient China, and the latter from the West. Although the power dimension of responsibility dominates the thinking mode in modern times, the discussions of the thoughts of R.A. Dahl and M. Weber make us understand that the responsibilities of governing may dissolve into nothing in the procedure of elections, become confused in the endless disputes or decided by the personal believes of the power holder. These may be the reasons that the discipline of political science is looked upon importantly but not respectfully. In order to defend the thesis that there are definite demands to force the power holder to be responsible to his governing behaviors, I take the “governing to win the public trust” in the ancient thinking modes of Confucianism-Legalism’ governing thinking as representative of “the duty dimension of responsibility”, and introducing the thesis of “governing realities and behaviors are more important than the political documents and institutions” of Pu Sheua-Fong as its modern edition. Lastly, I illustrate three kinds of positive evidence to support that the Confucianism-Legalism’ insights about the “governing to win the public trust” are still influential around the real world. If this article is somewhat persuasive, the Chinese traditional political thoughts may then not be really outdated, and may not be looked harmful to the democracy. |