題 名 | 數位化計畫中合作之探討=Collaborations in Digitization Projects |
作 者 | 洪淑芬; | 書刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
卷 期 | 9:1 民94.03 |
頁 次 | 頁100-122 |
分類號 | 023.59 |
關鍵詞 | 數位化計畫; 合作協力; 合作目的; 數位典藏國家型科技計畫; 國家文化資料庫計畫; 數位化成果維護政策; Digitization project; Collaboration; Cooperation; National digital archives program; National repository of cultural heritage; Digital archives preservation policy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文的目的主要在分析「合作」對數位化計畫的好處,呼籲國內重視並鼓勵機構與個人能藉助較具數位化經驗的機構,合作協力進行典藏的數位化。本文首先分析合作進行數位化計畫的優點、建勵合作關係所需具有的理念,其次介紹國外(以美國為主)基於各種不同目的的合作數位化計畫,以及介紹臺灣進行數位化的現況與成果,並指出個人數察所見的目前國內數位現況中之間題,最後於結論中歸納國外數位化計畫之特色理念,提供國內參考,並對國內的數位化計畫提出建議,以及呼籲國家應考量五年為期的國家型計畫結束後,如格使目前各機構計畫永績維護經營的問題,而在政策面有所因應。 |
英文摘要 | This paper explores the advantages of collaboration in digitization projects, with a call on institutions and individuals for more cooperation in collection digitization with better-experienced institutions. I will start with a discussion over the good points in pursuing digitization project collaboratively, raising basic ideas about how to establish partnership, introduce some cooperative digitization projects underway abroad, mainly in the United states, for various purposes, and then return to take a look at Taiwan’s current situation in this field, sharing my own observations on the problems of the national digitization programs in our country. In my conclusion, I will come up with a summary of the merits of other countries’ collaborative digitization projects, together will suggestions for the digitization programs in Taiwan. I end will urging our government to adopt policies that will ensure continuity of the digitization project currently carried on in various institutions after the five-year project expires. |