題 名 | 佛教的心性論及其特色=The Buddhist Theory of the Nature of the Mind and Its Special Features |
作 者 | 林崇安; | 書刊名 | 法光學壇 |
卷 期 | 8 民93 |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 220.13 |
關鍵詞 | 心性論; 佛性; 具種性者; 不黑不白無異熟業能盡諸業; 性覺; 性寂; Theory of the nature of mind; The Buddha nature; One who possesses a gotra; Non-resultant activity which is neither positive nor negative and is able to bring all karma to an end; By nature knowing; By nature calm; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要引據阿含經和相關的論典,來建立佛教的心性論。文中指出,成為「具種性者」是心識淨化的一個重要階段,也指出「不黑不白無異熟業能盡諸業」是佛教超越善惡的重點所在,這也是佛教心性論的一大特色。文中標出三種不與「緣起」衝突的佛性說,此中兼顧二諦的義理,並以緣起的動態過程來完成心性的淨化,重視心性淨化的實踐面,如此構成完整的心性論。並指出佛教的佛性論,是立足於勝義和世俗二諦:一方面建立在心的世俗認知功能,一方面建立在心的勝義無我。前者以「性覺」為重,後者以「性寂」為重。 |
英文摘要 | Based mainly on the Āgamas and related treatises, the present paper establishes the Buddhist theory of the nature of the mind. It is pointed out that “to possess a gotra” is one important step in the process of mental purification and that the main point for the transcendence of good and evil in Buddhism lies in “non-resultant activity which is neither positive nor negative and is able to bring all karma to an end”. This constitutes also one of the major special features of the Buddhist theory of the nature of the mind. Three theories of the Buddha nature which are not in conflict with dependent origination are brought foreword. They take the idea of the two truths into consideration and complete the purification of the nature of the mind by way of dependent origination, a process in motion. Emphasis is placed on the practical aspect of purification of the nature of the mind. Thus a holistic theory of the nature of the mind is established. It is further demonstrated that the Buddhist theories of the Buddha nature are based on the two truths, absolute and relative. On one hand they are established on the relative cognitive function of the mind, on the other hand on the absolute egolessness of the mind. The main point of the former is “by nature knowing,” while the stress of the latter is placed on “by nature calm.” |