題 名 | 張壽鏞《四明叢書》之文獻價值=The Value of Records for Chang Shou-Yung's a Library Series of Si Ming |
作 者 | 徐小燕; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 94:1 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁135-163 |
分類號 | 086.23 |
關鍵詞 | 張壽鏞; 四明叢書; 文獻; Shou-yung Chang; A Library Series of Si Ming; Record; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《四明叢書》為民國初年浙江鄞縣張壽鏞所輯,為歷來少見之大規模叢書,以「規模龐大、校勘嚴謹、序跋獨到」為世稱道。張氏為民國初年財政巨擘,除致力於規劃國家財政,更殫精竭慮於創辦光華大學,蒐羅鄉邦文獻,進而刊刻出版。 《四明叢書》係一地方叢書,且該叢書具有完整之序跋,序跋寓有「辨章學術,考鏡源流」之作用,於研究版本、目錄學等專門學科具有非常重要之意義。而對於瞭解四明地區之文化歷史、經濟發展、地理環境等也有著他類叢書無可取代之地位與價值。本文擬以《四明叢書》所收書情況及其序跋為觀察主軸,析論其文獻價值。 |
英文摘要 | Shou-yung Chang devoted his whole life to education, advocated the abolishment of academies for classical learning and the establishment of schools of new style. A Library Series of Si Ming edited by Shou-yung Chang is a regional series; its complete preface and postscript provide the functions of distinguishing and manifesting science, searching full particulars for every writings. It is important for researching index and records of Chinese Literature. It’s also helpful for study the history of culture, the development of economics, and geography . This paper discusses the content, preface and postscript for A Library Series of Si Ming, and explains its value. |