題 名 | 勞動基本權在我國憲法基本權體系中的定位(上)=The Status of Basic Labor Rights in the Basic Rights System of Our Constitution (1) |
作 者 | 劉士豪; | 書刊名 | 政大法學評論 |
卷 期 | 87 民94.10 |
頁 次 | 頁67-131 |
分類號 | 581.234 |
關鍵詞 | 勞動基本權; 工作權; 勞工團結權; 團體協商權; 團體行動權; 職業自由; 勞工參與權; 社會基本權; 部門憲法; Basic labor rights; Right to work; Labor's right of association; The right to collective bargaining; The right of action in labor disputes; Freedom to choose employment; Rights of participation and codetermination; Right to employment; Branch constitution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 勞動基本權就是人民在勞動生活中的基本權利,而這些權利是人民在勞動生活中不可或缺且其核心永久不可侵犯的權利。但是憲法所保障勞動基本權內容為何?勞動基本權的憲法依據為何?應如何實踐?在國內有相當多的爭論。之所以會造成這些問題的原因,主要和我國憲法基本權利之規定過於抽象、概括與精簡有關。本文先從勞動基本權的意義和確立的過程討論。其次,對於我國憲法的結構作一分析,以確定勞動基本權在我國基本權體系的定位。此外本文選取勞動基本權中最重要的幾項權利作個別分析,分別為勞動三權(團結權、團體交涉權及團體行動權)、職業自由、勞工參與權及工作權作為社會基本權等四個部分討論。最後就未來勞動基本權的趨勢作一評估,以供未來憲法改造時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to provide an overall view of the basic labor rights in our constitution. Our constitution consist of 3 parts: basic rights, the organization of the state and the basic policies. These parts of the constitution constitute the so-called “branch constitution” for particular areas of peoples’ lives. This paper researches the status of basic labor rights by means of the “branch constitution”. In addition to the introductory and concluding remarks, this paper is divided into four sections. Section one fixes the means of basic labor rights and reviews the establishment of basic labor rights. Section two discusses the status of basic labor rights and three problems about the structure of basic labor rights in our constitution. Section three describes and explains several individual basic labor rights in our constitution: labor’s right of association, the right to collective bargaining, the right of action over labor disputes, freedom to choose employment, rights of action over labor disputes, freedom to choose employment, rights of participation and codetermination, right to employment. Finally, Section four covers the trend of basic in the new century. |