題 名 | 臺灣社會役制度的政策發展與運作困境=The Civilian Service Policy Developed and Implemented Constraints in Taiwan |
作 者 | 賴兩陽; | 書刊名 | 東吳社會工作學報 |
卷 期 | 12 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁115-163 |
分類號 | 591.68 |
關鍵詞 | 社會役; 良知拒服兵役; 替代役; 役男; Civilian service; Conscientious objection; Substitutive service; Servant; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 台灣自2000年7月開始推動替代役制度,其中以社會役制度係以全新的服役理念注入國家與社會生活之中,因此最受矚目。歐洲國家社會役制度的理念是源於基督教與人道主義精神,尊重役男「不執武器」的宗教和良知的抉擇,社會役亦因此被稱為「良知拒服兵役」,現行世界有30餘個國家實施社會役,對福利國家的建構助益良多。台灣社會役政策的形成,係源於兵役人數過多,宗教因素則是次要的考量,與歐洲國家迥然不同,不過卻也因此充裕了社會福利的人力。社會役實施以來,優缺互見,近來更發生服勤單位因役男服務品質與服務態度欠佳,拒絕再進用的情形,而替代役役男對替代役制度滿意程度亦不高,對於這個影響政府社會福利供給至為深遠的制度,遭致如此境遇,顯然有其運作上的困境。有關社會役實施之後,尚無相關研究,本研究即希望瞭解社會役實施以來所產生的問題,研究方法係採取質性研究,針對與社會役制度有關的役男、機關與機構役男督導,透過深度訪談與焦點團體方式,探討其對社會役制度實施以來的問題與看法,並據此歸納出對政策的建議,俾對制度的推動有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | The substitute service system has begun to implement since July 2000 in Taiwan, the civilian service is the most important part in this system which include the newest service idea in national and social life levels. The idea of civilian service based on Christianity and humanitarianism in Europe, to respect the servant religion reasons and conscientious choice. So the civilian service is called 'conscientious objection' too. There are 35 countries have the civilian service in the world, helping the welfare state construction. The civilian service policy formed in Taiwan is different from Europe. There are too many ordinary soldiers in army who need to decrease and religion reason is secondary. But this system enriched the human resources in social welfare service.The civilian service has implemented over 4 years, the good and the bad has coexisted. There are some service units reject the servant because whose service quality and manner was not good enough. The system faced some problems and constraints need to solve. This paper wish to explore the problems and constraints in civilian service. The research used qualitative method. The research conclusion will contribute to policy implication. |