題 名 | Emome Young City旗艦店體驗平臺=Emome Young City Service Platform |
作 者 | 張勇志; 吳勝賢; 沈瓊君; 張道文; 蔡仁及; 溫昀暉; 陶英德; 韋增炫; 張景雄; 莊洋; 許士榮; 連啟宏; | 書刊名 | 電信研究 |
卷 期 | 35:4 民94.08 |
頁 次 | 頁575-586 |
分類號 | 448.84 |
關鍵詞 | 整合封包無線電服務; 衛星定位系統; 泛歐行動電話系統; 中華電信行動電話加值服務的總稱; 操作和維護; General packet radio service; GPRS; Global positioning system; GPS; Global system for mobile communication; GSM; Electronic; Mobile and me; Represents personalized electronic mobile life and the collective term of CHT's value-added services; Emome; Operation and maintenance; OAM; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中華電信emome Young city加值服務 精彩生活 「呼朋引伴逛City,好Young生活現在起」emome旗艦店體驗平臺服務係利用行動電話與行動辦公室結合emome相關服務技術所衍伸開發出來的服務平臺;此服務可從GSM、GPRS、TCP/IP網路上,經由emome取得所需的各項服務資料。在這套系統平臺裡面,體驗者除了可以主動上網體驗外,也可以經由展示設備立即下載試用。Emome旗艦店體驗平臺展示服務可包括2G/3G所有服務;使用emome旗艦店體驗平臺服務系統,可更經濟有效且迅速地推出具吸引力的新服務。 |
英文摘要 | Value-added services usually play an important role in telecommunication. emomeYoung city Service Platform is designed to provide the mobile environment in order to experience the mobile value-added services. This platform combined the CHT emome with all online services and advanced mobile equipments, using handset and PC to acquire valuable information from 2G/3G network. Experiencing the emome Young city Service Platform, it may be able to deliver a better quality service to the customer. |