題 名 | 新聞乎?廣告乎?醫療風險資訊的媒體再現與反思=New or Advertising? Representations and Reflections of Medical Risk Information in the News Media |
作 者 | 徐美苓; | 書刊名 | 新聞學研究 |
卷 期 | 83 2005.04[民94.04] |
頁 次 | 頁83-125 |
專 輯 | 新聞報導的想像與再思 |
分類號 | 895.313 |
關鍵詞 | 醫藥新聞; 健康風險; 內容分析; 焦點訪談; Medical journalism; Health risk; Content analysis; Focus group discussion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討目前醫療機構透過大眾傳播媒介提供給社會大眾的「醫療風險資訊」,在內容與品質上存在什麼現象?有哪些問題?以及作為醫療風險資訊的主要守門人,媒體在資訊傳遞的品質與把關的政策與對策為何? 本研究主要的研究方法為新聞內容分析與醫藥記者焦點訪談。內容分析的樣本包括《聯合報》、《民生報》、《中國時報》、《東森新聞報》與《TVBS News》電子報中2003年1-7月的548則相關報導;焦點訪談的對象為《聯合報》、《民生報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》、華視、中視、TVBS以及《康健雜誌》的八名醫藥記者。新聞內容分析結果顯示:相關報導最大宗者為醫療機構所發布的病人特殊案例,此類報導也是損及健康醫療資訊品質比例最高的類別。參與焦點訪談的醫藥記者雖有特定機構與平面Vs. 電子媒體間的差異,但大體上採信的消息來源多來自醫學中心或大型醫院;她們對新聞中的醫療風險訊息品質雖皆提到媒體自律與品質把關部分的處理,但也坦承衛生署發布的倫理守則等與實際的新聞採訪常規有很大的落差。本研究最後以符合實務的方式,釐出提升醫療品質各相關課責單位的資訊提供自律與他律面向。 |
英文摘要 | This present study aims to analyze how medical risk information provided by health care delivery systems has been represented in the news media, and how it has been treated by medical journalists and why. Two major methods are used. The first method consists of a content analysis of 548 print and electronic news articles regarding medical risk information provided by hospitals or medical professionals. The second method is a focus group discussion (FGD) of eight medical journalists from the print and electronic media. The content analysis results show that medical risk information provided by hospitals or medical professionals involves mostly patients’ cases, sometimes where privacy is intruded upon. Medical journalists participating in the FGD indicate that they rely on medical centers as the most credible sources of health information. They also consider the regulation of medical risk information releases and ethical guidelines provided by the Department of Health to be unrealistic. The study ends with suggestions for current practices and potential research directions in the future. |