題 名 | 論憲政改革與基本權利保障=On the Constitutional Reform and the Protection of Fundamental Rights |
作 者 | 李震山; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 18 2005.04[民94.04] |
頁 次 | 頁183-252 |
分類號 | 581.23 |
關鍵詞 | 修憲; 憲改; 基本權利; 基本國策; 憲法列舉權; 憲法未列舉權; 基本權利概括保障; 基本權利限制; 基本權利入憲; 固有權; 資訊權; 家庭權; 政治庇護權; 集體權; 複合權; 程序基本權; 國家補償責任; Constitutional reform; Protection of fundamental rights; Right to life; Right to Human dignity; Freedom of information; Right to family life; Right of asylum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文僅從憲政基礎中人民基本權利保障出發,彙整提出以下幾項憲改時可能應面臨的問題,就教於方家,並供參考:一、首先,應如何稱呼憲法所保障的「人民」與「權利」,名正後方能言順。在尋求一致性用語前,需先回答,何種人民的權利需由憲法保障。二、憲法基本權利保障之規定,不僅規定於專章(第二章),憲法前言與基本國策中亦與保障人民權利有關,因此,緊接著,需就憲法前言與基本權利之關係為論述。三、再者,就憲法基本國策與基本權利關係為論述。四、為防免憲法保障人民之權利有遺漏,採概括保障方式(憲法第二十二條)之妥當性如何,可有變革或改善空間。五、除保障外,憲法亦限制人民的權利與自由,惟限制之方式,究依現況採要件集中式(憲法第二十三條)或仿德國基本法,依人民權利性質採要件分散式,允宜探究。六、最後,隨著時代之演進,憲法上人民權利之保障有從第一代至第三代之說法,此期間,是否有些固有的人民權利受到我國憲法的忽略,例如生命、身體、尊嚴。是否有些新興的權利需由憲法增列保障,例如資訊權、家庭權、政治庇護權等,皆需探究。 |
英文摘要 | This paper focuses on the constitutional protection of human rights and raises several key issues relating to constitutional reform as follows: 1. What is the true definition of “people" and “rights"? What kind of rights should be guaranteed by the Constitution? 2. What is the relationship between “Rights and Duties of the People" (Chapter II) and “Preamble"? 3. What is the relationship between “Rights and Duties of the People" and “Fundamental National Policies" (Chapter XIII)? 4. Article 22 of the R.O.C. Constitution is a “catchall" phrase to fill the gap left by the legislature or constitutional court in defining. Hence, it can be broadly interpreted. Can such a catchall provision be justified? Is there any room for this provision to be improved? 5. Article 23 of the R.O.C. Constitution permits restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms only under certain circumstances. However, could it be better to follow the example of Germany Basic Law to limit to basic rights? 6. With the evolution of human rights, human rights were often classified into three generations. However, shall we review whether some civil rights such as right to life and human dignity are yet to be guaranteed by the Constitution? Moreover, whether some new rights such as freedom of information, right to family life, right of asylum should be acknowledged in the Constitution? |