題 名 | 臺灣地區生死學相關學位論文之分析=An Analysis on These and Dissertations Related to Life-and-Death Studies from 1970 to 2002 in Taiwan, R.O.C. |
作 者 | 張淑美; 謝昌任; | 書刊名 | 生死學研究 |
卷 期 | 2 2005.06[民94.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-44 |
分類號 | 197 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣地區; 生死學; 學位論文; Thanatology; Life-and-death studies; Theses; Dissertation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在檢視國內生死學相關學位論文之研究情形、問題與可能之趨勢,提出生死學研究之建議,以促進學門之發展。主採文獻分析與內容分析法,蒐集截至二○○二年底為止之生死學相關學位論文,共三百二十三篇。 主要的研究發現如下:一、自一九七○年代已有相關的學位論文出現,增加之速度稱快,至一九九○年代更為明顯,南華大學生死所自二○○○年起所有研究生畢業,即達五十三篇之多。二、碩士論文有二百九十五篇(91.331%)、博士論文二十八篇(8.669%)。三、舊主題而言:本研究歸納出十項生死學相關領域,其中以「生死心理」、「生死哲學觀」、「自殺」、「臨終關懷」與「生死教育」為多(均10%以上),而較少的為「生死社會觀」、「悲傷輔導」、「生死禮俗」、「生死宗教觀」及「其他」。四、就研究方法而言:以質的研究法最多(197篇,61.0%),次為量的(88篇,27.35%),再次為質量並用(34篇,10.5%)。五、就學位論文之系所背景而言:含南華大學生死所共有六十個系所,其中以「醫護衛教公共衛生」相關系所(54篇,16.715%)為最多,其次為南華大學生生死所論文(53篇,16.409%)、「教育」相關系所(39篇,12.074%)、「心理輔導與諮商」相關系所(32篇,9.907%),以及「哲學研究所」(26篇,8.049%)為多,甚或有建築與統計方面的系所加入生死學的探討。 整體學位論文之評析與建議為:一、生死學理論基礎的研究,尚待努力充實;二、少數論文,有不符學術倫理與嚴謹性的情形;三、文字撰述的基本要求,有些仍待加強(如文字結構、用字、斷句、標點符號等);四、有些論文摘要不夠精簡、關鍵字不夠精確;五、研究主題宜配合社會問題與發展,開創學門新主題,勿只做更換變項或對象之簡便操作;六、宜開發博士生對生死學主題的研究。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to review the theses and dissertations, which focus on any topics on life-and-death studies. We get 323 papers, finished till 2002. The distributions of the papers are as follows: 1. We get 4 papers during 1970s, and more properous during 2000s. 2. There are 295 (91.331%) theses and 28 dissertations (8.669%). 3. This study divides life-and-death studies into ten fields. We get more than ten percnets of our papers on each of this five fields: “philosophical viewpoints on life-and-death”, “psychological viewpoints on life-and-death”, “suicide”, “hospice care”, “grief counseling”, “ritual and cultural viewpoints on life-and-death”, and “religious viewpoints on life-and-death” are the less concerned topics. 4. Qualitative research methods are used most frequently. Quantitative methods are used less; however, some of the papers used both methods at the same time. The numbers (and proportions) are as follows: 197 (61.01%), 88 (27.35%), and 34 (10.05%). 5. The academic backgrounds of the papers are from 60 different graduate institutes (or departments). Fifty-three of the papers we get are from the institute of life-and-death studies of Na-Hwa University (Which is the first graduate institute on life-and-death studies in Taiwan). The conclusions and suggestions are as follows: Researchers should pay more efforts on theoretical foundations of life-and-death studies. Some of the papers are not good enough under the criteria of academic and ethic codes. Some of them need improvements in writing skills and formats. The contents and keywords on Chinese abstracts need to be more precise on several papers. Some researches only imitate or follow the past papers without new contributions on the academic field of life-and-death studies. It is important to encourage more doctoral graduate students to involve in the researches on death-related topics. |