題 名 | 融入科學、科技與人文的人生=The Life between Science, Technology and Humanism |
作 者 | 張勻翔; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 32:6=373 2005.06[民94.06] |
頁 次 | 頁19-33 |
專 輯 | 人生哲學專題 |
分類號 | 160 |
關鍵詞 | 科學; 科技; 人文; Science; Technology; Humanism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文就科學法則與自然法則的關係進行討論,並就歷史上對科學認識的修正說明科學的侷限性。在人類歷史上,人文與科學本為和諧的,但因科學主義與科技主義的巨大發展,使得人類的文明陷入危機;中國文化亦是如此,中國文化抱著實用心態學習科學與科技,欠缺科學精神。科學主義與科技主義使人文精神瀕臨破產,人類文明面臨著危機,整全的人生必須是融合科學、科技與人文。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is on the relationship between the laws of science and the laws of nature as well as on the limitations of science in terms of the modifications about scientific cognition in history. Historically, humanism and science used to be harmonious; yet the magnificent development of scientism and technolatry put human civilization into a crisis, which is also true to Chinese culture. Chinese culture tries to learn science and technology with a practical state of mind without the spirit of science. Scientism and technolatry throw humanistic spirit to the edge of destruction and put therefore human civilization into a crisis, since a well-integrated life must assimilate science, technology and humanism. |