題 名 | 寺廟與地方社會之研究--以關西太和宮為例=Temple and Local Society: A Case Study of the Palace of Supreme Harmony in Kuan-hsi |
作 者 | 陳志豪; | 書刊名 | 民俗曲藝 |
卷 期 | 147 2005.03[民94.03] |
頁 次 | 頁201-259 |
專 輯 | 「廟會與地方社會」專輯 |
分類號 | 227.2 |
關鍵詞 | 關西; 太和宮; 地方社會; 地方菁英; Kuan-hsi; Palace of supreme harmony; Local society; Local Elites; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 寺廟的建立不但能反映出地方社會的發展,透過其信仰所建構出的活動,如修建廟宇、祭祀活動等,也使得寺廟成為了地方社會的公共空間,參與這些活動同時也被地方居民視為是一種義務。然而,不論是廟宇的建立或祭祀活動的舉行,地方居民是如何參與廟宇的這些活動,活動的過程中又反映出什麼樣的意義?這即是本文所欲探討的問題意識。在研究個案上,本文以關西太和宮 (約創建於十九世紀初,主把神為三官大帝) 作為討論的個案。由於太和宮為關西地區的公廟,並與地方的拓墾歷史、地方菁英有相當密切的關係,因此本文嘗試以此個案,來探討地方居民參與廟宇活動的情形,以及寺廟在地方社會所扮演的角色,並從祭祀活動中,探討民問信仰活動中所表現出的社會意義。 本文除了前言與結語之外,主要共分為四個部分:第一部分首先對關西地區的歷史背景作一概述,藉此瞭解地方社會的變化與發展:第二部分將探討太和宮的修建過程,從中分析地方菁英參與廟宇修建的情形。此外,亦將討論該廟供奉神祇的變化及其意義:第三部分為觀察廟宇的管理與運作情形,以及地方各鄰里如何輪流負責祭典活動。第四部分則分別探討過去史料中所記載的祭典情況以及今日祭典舉行的情形。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwanese local society, the process of constructing a temple does more than reflect an area’s historical development; it also involves the creation of a key public space that where individuals and groups can engage in a wide range of activities. In the case of so-called “public temples” (kungmiao), all inhabitants of a community are required to help sponsor construction projects and ritual activities, with annual festivals playing an important role in defining social structures and reinforcing a sense of identity. In this paper, I explore these issues through a case study of the Palace of Supreme Harmony (T’ai-ho Kung), a public temple dedicated to the Three Officials (San-kuan) that was constructed in the northern Taiwan town of Kuan-hsi (Hsin-chu County) during the nineteenth century. I pay special attention to the links between the Palace and Kuan-his’s historical development, as well as the ways in which local elites supported this temple. The paper is divided into four main sections. The first section describes the history of Kuan-hsi town. This is followed by an account of the history of the Palace's construction, with special emphasis on elite patronage. I also discuss the development of the Palace’s pantheon. In the paper’s third section. I examine the management of the Palace, as well as how local neighborhood groups organized a rotational system to sponsor its annual festival The paper’s fourth and final section contains a thorough discussion of the history and current performance of this festival. |