題 名 | 丁念先行草書法藝術賞析=An Analysis of the Characteristics of Ding, Nian-Shien's Running Script |
作 者 | 涂璨琳; | 書刊名 | 藝術欣賞 |
卷 期 | 1:3 2005.03[民94.03] |
頁 次 | 頁20-27 |
分類號 | 942.1 |
關鍵詞 | 丁念先; 草書; 書法; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係運用「護理人員-雙親溝通模式」及「成人教育理論」協助個案照顧患孩及學習居家護理之經驗。護理期間自民國92年1月5日至92年2月28日,鑑於此患孩為慢性肺疾病且有氣切管和鼻胃管留置,日後需居家照護 ,故在其住加護病房期間,透過觀察、會談、傾聽等技巧及運用「護理人員-雙親溝通模式」先行建立彼此的熟識感和信任感,收集相關資料,針對出院準備列出三個主要護理問題,包括:親職角色衝突、照顧者角色負荷過重及家庭因應能力不足,依據護理專業知能及技術,提供適當的護理措施,不斷給予鼓勵與支持,協助個案面對居家照護的問題及家庭功能的重建,在個案學習過程中給予正向回饋,使個案擁有成就感而願意繼續執行。 |
英文摘要 | The study demonstrated the application of Nursing-Parent communication model and andragogy in helping a mother to learn home care of a child. During nursing period between January 5, 2003 and February 28, 2003, we focused on the child who received tracheostomy, NG tube, and follow-up home care. While the patient was admintted in PICU, we had employed observation, interviewing, listening techniques to collect data via Nurse-Parent communication model. According to the discharge plan, the case had three major problems, including parental role ocnflict, caregiver role strain, and coping of family ineffective. By the application of the professional nursing knowledge and techniques, as well as continuing encouragement and reassurance, we helped the subject to deal with home care problems and to reconstruct family function. More importantly, during the course of learning, we presistently provided positive feed-back to the subject so that she could develop sense of accomplishment and continue her effort. |