題 名 | 乾隆時期(1736∼1795)臺灣戲曲活動管窺=A Study of Taiwanese Theatre in the Qian-Long Period (1736∼1795) of the Qing Dynasty |
作 者 | 張啟豐; | 書刊名 | 民俗曲藝 |
卷 期 | 146 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁5-50 |
專 輯 | 「臺灣傳統戲曲研究」專輯 |
分類號 | 982.97 |
關鍵詞 | 戲曲; 演戲申禁; 違禁罰戲; 碑刻; 戲臺; Traditional opera; Opera as an announcement; Opera as a punishment; Stele; Stage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 乾隆時期由於移民人口日多,商業蓬勃繁茂,歲時節慶的演戲活動,相對有更多樣的發展。在籌措戲金方面,除了通行的「斂金作戲」之外,「公金請戲」是一種較為進步的方式,至於官府則嚴禁夜戲,以免釀發事端、危書社會。另外,在社會規約、地區開發上,戲曲的社會功能愈來愈重要,「演戲申禁」、「違禁罰戲」,更為全面地勾勒出清頓時期臺灣鄉庄規約的申禁方式,以及違禁罰戲這一類「示禁規約」的特色,此即明證。經由現存碑刻觀察,則可以清楚了解「惡丐擾戲」是一個從乾隆時期持續到光緒末年的社會惡象。而戲曲在社會、政治等案件中,所扮演的角色及發揮的功能,更顯示在當時戲曲「無所不與」的現象。此一時期除了有梨園戲之外,潮州戲亦已登陸臺濁,二者共同分食戲曲市場的大餅,而珍貴的戲臺史料文物,例如臺灣府城隍廟戲臺修建、續修的記載,並留下圖繪、圖刻,不僅標誌出當時戲臺形制與整體寺廟空間的關係,同時也側面印證戲曲活動之繁盛。此在在均顯示乾隆時期臺灣的戲曲活動,已經觸及、參與當時民眾生活的各個面向。自清廷領臺以來,經過百餘年的發展,臺灣戲曲活動的態樣與面向,至此基本上都已經完備具足了。 |
英文摘要 | Due to much more immigration from the mainland and the f1ourishing economy situation, the development of Taiwanese theatre was more prosperous than before in the Qian-Long period of the Qing dynasty. According to the government documents and other literature in the QianLong period, we could figure out that the traditional opera performances almost took place everyday and everywhere. Not only on festivals and birthdays of Gods, but also in statutes announcement occasions, people enjoyed the performances. Since the stage was constructed as a part of temple, we can conclude that the theatre was a part of religious activities. Thus, we could say that Taiwanese theatre in the Qian-Long period of the Qing dynasty had been involved almost in every aspect in people’s daily life. |