題 名 | 臺中市實施九年一貫課程之健康與體育教學成效之探討--以知識管理分析=The Influence of Knowledge Management on the Effectiveness of Health and Physical Education in the Curriculum for Grades 1-9--A Case Study in Taichung |
作 者 | 楊奕源; | 書刊名 | 大葉學報 |
卷 期 | 13:2 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁131-141 |
分類號 | 523.44993 |
關鍵詞 | 知識管理; 健康與體育學習領域; 九年一貫課程; Knowledge management; Health and physical education learning areas; Grade 1-9 curriculum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探討影響大學新生心理健康之因素。相關分析結果發現良好心理健康與外向人格、社會支持、社會關係互動頻率以及社會關係的滿意程度之間存在正相關關係;在不良心理健康與神經質人格、整體壓力感受以及五個大學生生活壓力分向度感受之間,亦存在顯著相關關係。回歸分析結果發現在控制「神經質人格」及「社會關係滿意程度」這兩個變項的影響力後,「親密重要人際關係」、「對外在環境的抱怨及對未來前途的茫然」以及「孤立以及對大學生活缺乏認同感」這三個壓力感受,仍能顯著預測大學新鮮人之心理健康。在兩性差異的比較上發現,女性報告較高的社會關係滿意程度,男性則在整體壓力感受以及四項壓力分向度指標,報告較高的壓力感受。在學院學生特質比較上發現,工學院學生報告較少的社會互動,較低的社會支持以及較高之壓力感受;設計學院的學生則報告較差的心理健康狀況。最後,將探討如何運用本研究結果於輔導及師徒導師工作之中。 |
英文摘要 | The principal intention of this study was to investigate the correlates of the mental health of freshmen. It was found that their mental health was significantly and positively correlated with extraversion, social support, social interaction and the satisfaction of social relationships. It was also found that their mental health was negatively correlated with stress and neuroticism. This correlation was true in regression analysis, although allowances were made for the effects of neuroticism and the satisfaction of social relationships. Three different indicators of stress were used to predict mental health. Females were more satisfied in social relationships. Males reported higher stress on four different indicators. Students from the School of Engineering reported higher stress, less social interaction and less social support. Students from the School of Art and Design reported poor mental health. Finally, potential implications of the findings for counseling are mentioned. |