題 名 | 美和村伯公信仰調查報告=A Study of Ba-Gong Worship in Meiho Village |
作 者 | 王淑慧; 蔡明坤; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 23:2 2004.10[民93.10] |
頁 次 | 頁185-218 |
分類號 | 673.214704 |
關鍵詞 | 忠心崙; 羅經圈; 伯公; 作福; 完福; Chung-hsin-lun; Lo-ching-chuan; Ba-Gong; Tso-fu; Wan-fu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 內埔鄉美和村由忠心崙與羅經圈兩個聚落組成,是一個典型的客家村庄。人口較多的忠心崙開庄於康熙、雍正年間,距今兩三百年,先民開墾初期就在庄南立一石頭伯公,祈求開墾順利,五穀豐收。忠心崙每年在南柵庄主伯公廟前舉行春秋二祭的祈福以及冬季的完太平福,居民仍以少年(全豬全羊)祭祀,保有濃厚的古風。而羅經圈地理位置雖然鄰近忠心崙,卻因東港溪流過,每每氾濫成災,土壤又多砂礫土質,不利農作,導致該聚落的伯公分布與職掌等方面明顯有別於忠心崙。 本調查研究主要係針對美和村公眾性伯公為主,不包括私人供奉的伯公。因為伯公分布廣,數量多,具親民性,史料極少記載,因而需透過田野實查,再佐以耆老訪談所得之資料比對,以進行研究分析。藉由美和村伯公信仰之調查,先說明清領時期美和村之開發過程,並進而勾勤出忠心崙與羅經圈兩聚落伯公之分布與祭祀活動,再剖析社會變遷下兩地伯公信仰活動之轉變。 經調查美和村伯公一共有十一座,都已改建成福德祠,唯羅經圈庄中伯公是陪祀神明。忠心崙開發早,又多夥房大家族,農耕水利便捷,明顯較為富庶。羅經圈道路田園昔日常遭東港溪淹沒沖毀,居民生活不易,大多移居外地。在地理環境與社會變遷之影響下,兩聚落的伯公信仰活動呈現明顯變化:作福儀式簡化;忠心崙結壇所在是南柵庄主伯公廟,羅經圈為五穀宮;羅經圈居民參與意願高於忠心崙;忠心崙勇士曾維杰也在該聚落伯公祭祀活動時一併被祭拜;增設伯公陪祀神明。 |
英文摘要 | Ba-gong belief is the most widespread and long-established tradition in Neipu Hakka area. As a guardian and god of agriculture, Ba-Gong has been a great blessing for Hakka people living in Neipu Shiang. Meiho village is a typical Hakka village, which consists of two smaller villages: chung-hsin-lun and Lo-ching-chuan. According to the elderly people, Ba-Gong, symbolized by a rock, was set up by the pioneers as a village Deity in Chung-hsin-lun around the Kang-His and Yung-Cheng periods. Since then, the first Ba-Gong, located in the southern part of the village, has become the worshipping center of Chung-hsin-lun for almost three hundred years. In every spring, villagers pray for peace and blessings; and in winters, they giver thanks for the given peace and blessings. During the rituals of praying, the villagers have to prepare a whole pig or a whole sheep as offerings to Ba-Gong. Although both groups of people (Chung-hsin-lun and Lo-ching-chuan) worship Ba-Gong, they have different rituals and religious characteristics. The main purposes of this study were to explore the meaning and characteristics of Ba-Gong belief in Meiho village and to understand the different worshipping rituals between these two groups of people. In order to gather more comprehensive and accurate information, the researchers used a variety of methods to collect data including written documents, field studies and interviews with the elderly villagers. By tracing back to the time of pioneers in Neipu area, the researchers also tried to understand the history of Ba-Gong belief. The results are as follows: 1. The Tso-fu rituals of worshipping are simplified. 2. The place of worship ritual is different. 3. The villagers' willingness of participation of the rituals in Lo-ching-chuan is stronger than the villagers' willingness in Chung-hsin-lun. 4. The hero Wei-Jie Tseng of chung-hsin-lun is also worshipped together with the rituals of Ba-Gong. 5. The gods of companion were set up for Ba-Gong. |