題 名 | 幼兒讀寫教育:從注音教學到文學應用=Literacy Instruction for Young Children: From Phonic Teaching to Literature Application |
作 者 | 谷瑞勉; | 書刊名 | 幼兒保育學刊 |
卷 期 | 2 2004.08[民93.08] |
頁 次 | 頁1-18 |
分類號 | 523.2 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒讀寫教育; 文學應用課程; 幼兒語文; 注音教學; 輔助教材; Literacy instruction; Literature-based curriculum; Phonics teaching; Basal reading; Kindergarten; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討五位幼兒教師實施語文讀寫教學的情況,及其所運用的程度與方式。發現老師多已認同「讀寫萌發」和「全語言」的讀寫取向,以及適性發展的教學理念,兼容並蓄朝「均衡讀寫」的方向邁進。大部分老師對注音教學並不排斥,會因應孩子的興趣進行遊戲中學習和隨機的教學,更肯定應用幼兒文學教學的重要性。幼兒教師讀寫教學的內容從傳統的注音教學、輔助教材,到文學運用的不同,形成一個連續的光譜。其在課程中運用文學的程度差異,可用「飯後甜點」、「調味料」、「開胃菜」、「主食」到「全餐」等的食物類別的隱喻來形容,代表文學課程在她們教學上的比重和分配,以及對讀寫教學的理念與實作。反向而言,注音教學也由較正式、系統化,漸變為在非正式、和更具意義的情況下的引導。 老師將文學運用於讀寫是基於社會文化觀點和仲介模式的教學,強調注音則是相信有此基礎才能閱讀;在讀寫教學的理念雖異,但內容和策略卻有相同之處,會用各種方式促進幼兒的讀寫學習。差別只是在於時間的控制、課程的自主、運用的知能、理念與實作、及是否能妥善規畫。整體而言,老師仍對文學運用的知能感到不足,對讀寫和討論活動的知識有待充實。 研究建議加強對文學運用方面的認識、檢驗注音教學的適當性、建立好的評量,多給老師時間和經費、尊重教師自主性,更要建立教師支援團體系統,和促進彼此實作的交流和互動。在教學策略上則應充實對討論的了解與實作。 |
英文摘要 | This study focuses on the early childhood educators' literacy instruction and the ways they applying literature into the curriculum. Teachers' practice seems to approach the whole language and emergent literacy perspective of teaching, and toward the direction of “balanced literacy” and “developmentally appropriate practice”. Literature in the five teachers' classrooms is like the metaphor of “desert, spices, appetizer, main dish, and full course” to a meal in the spectrum. Teachers' phonic instruction is various, from one side of more formal and systematic teaching toward less formal, and meaningful teaching on the other side. The literature-based curriculum is based on social-cultural perspective in literacy instruction and the mediated model of teaching. The teachers are various in their belief about literacy instruction, but similar in the teaching content adn strategies. They do not disregard the phonic teaching, rather to supporting the children's interest and desire of learning it. The teachers all recognize the importance of applying literature to literacy instruction, but some have less knowledge applying it. In addition to search for more book resources and teachers' empowerment, this research also suggests that teachers need to improve their knowledge and practice of literature-based curriculum and discussion strategies, reexamine the effects of phonic teaching, and establish the supporting community of literacy instruction for themselves. |