題 名 | 中國大陸反傾銷法律實務與臺商應對策略=China's Anti-dumping Regulations and Taiwan Trader's Countermeasure |
作 者 | 夏衛; | 書刊名 | 遠景基金會季刊 |
卷 期 | 5:3 2004.07[民93.07] |
頁 次 | 頁173-203 |
分類號 | 558.2 |
關鍵詞 | 中國大陸反傾銷法; 反傾銷法律實務; WTO反傾銷協定; 臺商應對策略; China's anti-dumping; Procedural law; Substantive law; WTO anti-dumping agreement; Taiwan trader's Countermeasure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 伴隨著兩岸經貿的交流與發展,雙方貿易摩擦不斷產生,臺灣產品正面臨中國大陸的反傾銷訴訟。有鑒於此,本文主要著眼於WTO反傾銷規則中某些模糊之處給貿易保護主義留下空間,以及WTO爭端解決機制在調整反傾銷制度保護主義傾向時的重要作用,擬從理論和案例上對中國大陸反傾銷制度的特點及其不合理之處進行探討與分析。冀以此給臺灣企業應對中國大陸反傾銷,提供若干參考意見。 |
英文摘要 | Following with the development of economic and trade interaction between China and Taiwan, the trade friction has been produced constantly. The Taiwan-made products are facing the anti-dumping lawsuit from China. This essay mainly deals with the characteristics and unreasonable points of China's anti-dumping regulations. (Its regulations, in which ambiguities remain in the WTO anti-dumping allow the possibilities for trade protectionism.) The essay takes WTO Dispute Settlement System as a procedural adjustment to the default of the anti-dumping law. The essay also analyses the anti-dumping regulations of China. Relying on this, this essay will offer several reference suggestions to tackle China's anti-dumping tartics for Taiwan enterprises. |