- Comparison of the Effect of Two Different Doses of 0.75% Glucose-Free Ropivacaine for Spinal Anesthesia for Lower Limb and Lower Abdominal Surgery
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題 名 | Comparison of the Effect of Two Different Doses of 0.75% Glucose-Free Ropivacaine for Spinal Anesthesia for Lower Limb and Lower Abdominal Surgery=比較兩種不同劑量之0.75%不含糖Ropivacaine作脊椎麻醉於下肢及下腹手術時之麻醉效果 |
作 者 | 黃安年; 陳多慕; 梁百安; 曾慶暉; 儲寧瑋; 湯兆舜; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 20:9 2004.09[民93.09] |
頁 次 | 頁423-430 |
分類號 | 416.54 |
關鍵詞 | 脊椎麻醉; 麻醉效果; 安全性; Spinal anesthesia; Ropivacaine; Efficacy; Safety; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在比較3.5毫升(26.25毫克)及4.5毫升(33.75毫克)0.75%不含糖ropivacaine作脊椎麻醉,於下肢及下腹部手術之臨床麻醉效果及安全性之評估。材料與方法:此研究以隨機、公開標記之方式,把40位病患分成二組:A組以ropivacain 3.5毫升(26.25毫克)及B組以ropivacaine 4.5毫升(33.75毫克),用於下肢及下腹部手術之脊椎麻醉上。術中及術後作感覺及運動神經阻斷的評估,包括:感覺神經阻斷之起始時間、最大的頭側分佈、達最大感覺神經阻斷時間、感覺神經阻斷全部時間;運動神經完全阻斷起始時間及復完時間等。其他如生理徵象及副作用均記錄之。結果:在兩組間並沒有顯著差別者包括有:感覺神經阻斷達L3之起始時間(2.1±9.6分鐘及1.7±7.3分鐘)、最大頭側分佈[T4-5 (C3-T11)及T4 (C3-T8)]、最大的阻斷皮節數(18.0±3.4 及19.8±3.7)、達最大感覺神經阻斷之時間(34.0±22.9分鐘及26.8±17.9分鐘)、阻斷恢復至L3之時間(251.2±34.7分鐘及277.3±51.1分鐘)、運動神經完全阻斷之起始時間(13.4±6.4分鐘及10.3±3.4分鐘)及運動神經阻斷完全恢復之時間(264±52.1分鐘及292.5±64.5分鐘)等。手術前後之血流動力學方面之變化,也無明顯之差異;只有在術中,B組較常出現顫抖現象,但無統計上之意義外;其他副作用兩組均無明顯差異。結論:從本研究得知,以26.25mg (3.5毫升)或33.75mg (4.5毫升)之0.75%不含糖ropivacaine在下肢及下腹部手術中作脊椎麻醉時,可得相同之麻醉效果及安全性。 |
英文摘要 | We compared the clinical efficacy and safety of two doses of ropivacaine for spinal anesthesia in Chinese patients undergoing lower limb and lower abdominal surgery. In this randomized, open-label study, 40 patients were divided into two groups: group A received 3.5 mL (26.25 mg) of 0.75% glucose-free ropivacaine, and group B received 4.5mL (33.75 mg). Sensory and motor blocks were assessed during and after surgery thorough to complete recovery. Seven standard measurements were taken: time to onset of sensory blocks; maximum sensory cephalad spread; time to maximum sensory block; maximum number of blocked segments; duration of sensory block at L3; time to onset of complete motor block; and duration until complete motor block recovery. Vital signs and any adverse effects related to spinal anesthesia were also recorded. No significant differences were found between the two groups: time to onset of sensory block at L3 in group A vs B (2.1±9.6 vs 1.7±7.3 minutes), maximum cephalad spread [T4-5 (C3-T11) vs T4 (C3-T8)], maximum number of blocked segments (18.0±3.4 vs 19.8±3.7), time to maximum sensory block (34.0±22.9 vs 26.8±17.9 minutes), duration of sensory block at L3 (251.2±34.7 vs 277.3±51.1 minutes), time to onset of complete motor block (13.4±6.4 vs 10.3±3.4 minutes), and time for complete recovery from motor block (264±52.1 vs 292.5±64.5 minutes). No significant differences in global hemodynamic changes were found during and after the operation. While shivering was more frequent in group B during the operation, the difference was not significant. Otherwise, there were no differences in adverse effects during and after surgery. We conclude that both doses of 0.75% glucose-free ropivacaine, 26.25 mg (3.5 mL) and 33.75 mg (4.5mL), have the same efficacy and safety in Chinese patients undergoing spinal anesthesia for lower limb and lower abdominal surgery. |