題 名 | 解性賴耶與智如合一--有關「此界無始時」頌的分析=Alayavijnana with Enlightment and the Identity of Prajna and Tathata |
作 者 | 陳一標; | 書刊名 | 玄奘人文學報 |
卷 期 | 3 2004.07[民93.07] |
頁 次 | 頁237-257 |
分類號 | 222.13 |
關鍵詞 | 阿賴耶識; 智如合一; 界; 真諦; 攝大乘論; Alayavijnana; Paramartha; Mahayanasamgraha; The identity of prajna and tathata; Dhatu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 真諦譯《攝大乘論》世親釋中,有關《大乘阿毘達磨經》「此界無始時,一切法依止,若有諸道有,及有得涅槃」的解釋,增益了它譯所無的文字,一般認為有解性賴耶的意含,近於如來藏思想。本文依印順法師和上田義文的解析,試圖提供不同的詮釋進路,使得唯識思想跳脫智如二分、性相永別的同時,未必一定要像如來藏思想一樣,承認生命的主體當中本具清淨的覺性。 |
英文摘要 | Some paragraphs which do not exist in other translations were found in Vasubandhus commentary on Mahayanasamgraha translated into Chinese by Para Martha. They are about the explanations on the verse of Mahayanabhidharmasutra which seems to include the thought of Tathagatagarbha. This paper deals with this problem according to the analyses of Master Yin-shun and Ueda Yoshifumi and tries to find a new solution. |