題 名 | 虎頭蘭肥培管理研究=Studies on Fertilization Management of Cymbidium Orchid |
作 者 | 林天枝; 羅英妃; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 83 2004.06[民93.06] |
頁 次 | 頁29-38 |
分類號 | 435.431 |
關鍵詞 | 虎頭蘭; 施肥技術; 化學肥料; 有機肥料; Cymbidium orchid; Fertilization technique; Chemical fertilizer; Organic fertilizer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為探討虎頭蘭最適宜之肥培管理,以供日後研究及應用之參考。由虎頭蘭生育性狀及花卉品質調查分析結果,顯示適當的肥培管理對虎頭蘭生育及花卉品質甚為重要,惟在不同化學肥料F1 (20-20-20),F2 (10-30-20)及F3 (生育期用F1,生殖期用F2)處理間之影響差異並不顯著,但以F3及F1處理之效果略佳,而不同有機肥用量(0及25 g/pot)處理間則有顯著的差異。因此,虎頭蘭使用有機肥25 g/pot,年施三次,再配合每兩週葉片噴撒F3 (生育期用F1,生殖期用F2)或F1 (20-20-20)液肥之肥培處理應可適用於虎頭蘭之栽培。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to evaluate the suitable chemical and organic fertilizer management technique for the growth of Cymbidium orchid. The results of growth characteristic and flower quality showed that suitable fertilizer application could increase the growth and flower quality of Cymbidium orchid. Between the different chemical treatments F1 (20-20-20), F2 (10-30-20)and F3 (which F1 is applied at growth stage and F2 is applied at reproductive stage), the growth characteristic, flower quality and leaf major nutrition content didn’t showed significant difference. However, the F1 and F2 treatments have slightly better performance. The treatments between different amount of organic fertilizer (0 and 25 grams/pot) showed significant difference. It is recommended that for 3-year-old Cymbidium orchid, the best fertilizer management technique for Cymbidium orchid cultivation is applied three times of organic fertilizer at 25 grams/pot, and leaf spraying every two weeks at amount of F2 (10-30-20) or F1 (20-20-20). |