題 名 | 帳單整合受理系統之設計與應用=The Design and Applications of TOPS/CBM |
作 者 | 平青雲; 詹錦繡; 梁小薇; 黃國棟; 林昭陽; | 書刊名 | 電信研究 |
卷 期 | 34:2 2004.04[民93.04] |
頁 次 | 頁189-205 |
分類號 | 448.6 |
關鍵詞 | 帳單整合受理系統; 資訊整合服務系統; TOPS/convergent billing management; TOPS/CBM; Legacy integration system; LIS; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 帳單整合受理系統(TOPS/Convergent Billing Management)(簡稱TOPS/CBM),是一套跨業務整合性受理多樣化帳單服務方式之系統,可滿足客戶需求,將同一客戶使用本公司多種電信業務(如市內電話、專線、呼叫器、行動電話、IN、數據業務、國際語音業務等)之電信費,合併開列一張帳單;或將不同客戶之多張帳單同時寄達同一地點,提供本公司客戶方便又貼切的服務。受理人員經由本系統提供之帳單合併、集中彙集、單據選擇等作業功能,滿足客戶對其帳單處理方式所提出之特殊需求。由於帳單合併、集中彙寄之大量受理及主動推廣,可大幅降低本公司帳單處理成本。 本系統服務之對象可遍及全省各營運處、服務中心之營業單位、各客服中心、各企業客戶服務單位,甚至可提供總公司、各分公司各單位線上即時受理,可適用於使用本公司任何業務之所有客戶(包括一般客戶及企業客戶)。 本系統採用目前最熱門Web-Based架構研發設計,除提供使用者友善、方便、容易操作之人機介面外,更提昇了軟體版本更新之機動性,並節省了大量軟體維運成本及人力。由於具備跨業務整合之特性,本系統特別設計了線上即時及批次兩種連線作業機制與本公司各Legacy系統介接,經過兩年多的運轉,目前已非常穩定,可作為未來其他跨業務整合系統之參考典範。 |
英文摘要 | TOPS/Convergent Billing Management System (TOPS/CBM) is a system which offers multiple ways of sending bills to the customers on customer's demand. (1) One bill can includes all the charges for any number of services (such as local telephones, leased lines, pagers, mobile phones, IN services, digital services, international services) which a customer choose to. (2) Many bills which belongs to the same or different customers can be sent to the same place at the same time in one envelop. (3) The calling details of the bills can be chosen to be presented by hardcopy, floppy disk or even Email in the future. By offering these multiple ways of sending bills, the number of bills and the number of envelops go down, which affects the billing paper and post charge cost reduced drastically. The user of the system includes the service people who work in CHT service centers、calling centers all through the country, it even offers customer make their choices through Internet. Most processes are handled under an online interactive working environment. The system use Web-based application server architecture, which not only offers an user-friendly GUI, but also offers a very flexible software maintain architecture, the cost of software maintenance is much lower compare to the cost of client-server based architecture. Since the system has to gather multiple billing information from many different services offered by CHT, it has to deal with many legacy systems (the billing process of different services are handled by different computers) simultaneously, we use both online and batch interconnection techniques to build up the hardware architecture. After running for more than two years, the system is more stable, and the users are more pleased. The design of online and batch interconnection architecture and the processing rules of transferring data from one computer to another, can offer an successful example for any CHT new coming system which needs to connect to connect with many different computers simultaneously. |