題 名 | 臺灣總督府「標準官舍圖」之研究=A Study of the "Standard Drawings Official Residences" by Taiwanese Governor General's Office During the Japanese Period |
作 者 | 陳信安; 傅朝卿; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 46 2004.06[民93.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-46 |
分類號 | 922.932 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣總督府公文類纂; 標準官舍圖; 日治時期; 臺灣總督府; The archives of Taiwan governor general's office; Japanese period; Taiwan governor general's office; Standard drawings of official residences; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係依據現存臺灣日治時期總督府官方史料文獻,探討臺灣總督府「標準官舍圖」的形成與變遷歷程,並建構其演變系譜,同時亦以這批範型為例,探討當時總督府官舍建築之平面與其構成特性。 1901年與1920年兩次地方行政體制的大幅變動,對中央與地方營繕機構之業分工衍生相當大的影響。1901年的行政體制變革後,原本的地方政府營繕機構被撤除,總督府開始提供「標準官舍圖」作為地方政府興建官舍之用,所謂「標準官舍圖」亦成為1902年至1922年之間二十一年總督?官舍建築之範形,成為被推展於臺灣各地的一批官制建築標準形式;隨著1920年的行政體制變革,地方政府重新配屬營繕機構,「標準官舍圖」被使用的機會大幅減少,也較少出現相關案例,但前期所建者迄今仍有不少尚留存者,亦為本研究之實際見證。 |
英文摘要 | Based on data retrieved form the archives of Taiwanese Governor General's Office during the Japanese period, this paper examines and categorizes the evolution of the "Standard Drawings of Official Residences." This paper also discusses and comments on the uniqueness in the architecture of these official residences. The sweeping changes in the structures of the political administrations starting from 1901 and again form 1920 have led to changes in the roles of both central government and the local governments related to governing of local constructions. Local governing adminstrations overseeing constructions were abolished in 1901. instead, the Taiwanese Governor General's Office provided the "Standard Drawings of Official Residences" for local governments to use as a guideline. These drawings were widely duplicated or modeled after by the official residences built between year 1901 and 1920. however, the use of these drawings was greatly diminished in the 1920s because of the re-establishment of local governing administrations to oversee construction. Nowadays, there are still a significant numbers of remaining official residences which were built during the Japanese period. Some of these buildings are presented as case studies in this paper. |