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題 名 | 新店地區機構和非機構老人憂鬱情形及相關因素之調查=A Survey of Depression and Its Related Factors of the Institutionalized and Non-institutionalized Elderly in Hsin-Tien City |
作 者 | 林怡君; 余豎文; 張宏哲; | 書刊名 | 臺灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 14:2 2004.06[民93.06] |
頁 次 | 頁81-93 |
分類號 | 415.9518 |
關鍵詞 | 老人; 憂鬱症狀; Depression; Elderly; Social support; Geriatric depression scale; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於人口快速老化,老人相關的議題漸漸受到重視。本研究的目的是探討老人憂鬱症狀與盛行率,及影響老人憂鬱的因素,並從研究的結果提出醫療團隊可能的因應措施與建議。本研究採量化調查方法,以問卷訪談方式蒐集資料,樣本的取得是採取隨機取樣的方式,從到耕莘醫院看門診的社區老人及與醫院有合作關係的安養中心,抽取年齡大於65歲的老人各200名,總共樣本400名。憂鬱判定採用老人憂鬱量表(Geriatric Depression Scale),其餘變項的測量參考過去文獻選取適當的量表。所蒐集的資料以對數迴歸方法分析,檢視和老人憂鬱相關的因素。 結果發現在機構老人憂鬱的盛行率是39.2% 而社區老人的盛行率是29.5%,比例都不低。而影響憂鬱之相關因素,不論在機構或社區老人包括了:有無生活重要事件變故,自評健康,以及日常生活功能量表。另外分別來看,在機構的老人,社會支持幫助的滿意度影響憂鬱;而社區老人則是經濟狀態的滿意度影響憂鬱。 因此在預防老人憂鬱的方向,除了盡力照顧老人身體健康並恢復獨立性,注意是否有生活重大變故的出現。並且是要提供適當的社會福利,或老年年金來改善經濟問題造成社區老人的憂鬱。而對機構老人則是應加強社會支持,像是促進老人的親朋好友多交流,或導入社工關懷來減少機構老人憂鬱。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study are (1) to explore the prevalence and symptomatology of depression among the elderly, and (2) to examine factors related to depression among the elderly. A Structured questionnaire was used to interview 400 individuals (age 65 and above). The sample was randomly selected from two groups: the Community Group (who live in the community and visit the clinics for medical care provided by the Department of Family Medicine, n=200), and the Institutional Group (who live in the institution affiliated with Cardinal Tien Hospital, n=200). The criteria for diagnosing depression were based on the Geriatric Depression Scale. All collected data were analyzed with logistic regression method to assess the variables related to depression among the elderly. The findings of this study indicated that the prevalence of depression among the elderly in the Institutional Group is higher than that in the Community Group, 39.2% and 29.5% respectively. The related factors of depression included: stressful life events, health, self-assessed health status, and level of functioning. Satisfaction of Social Support affected the depression in Institutional Group but not in the Community Group. Satisfaction of economic status is related to depression among the elderly in Community Group. In conclusion, the strategies to prevent depression among the elderly should include maintaining the health status and independence of the elderly, and being aware of the occurrence of stressful life events. Furthermore, access to resources of social welfare, and/or senior retirement fund is also needed to prevent depression among the elderly who have economic problems. On the other hand, strengthening social support such as encouraging communication among family members and friends, and engaging social services are helpful to prevent the depression among the elderly living in an institution. |