- 海底地震儀在地震監測的應用
- Imaging of Arc-Arc Collision in the Ryukyu Forearc Region Offshore Hualien from TAICRUST OBS Line 16
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Nanao Forearc Basin from TAICRUST MCS/OBS Line 14
- Crustal Velocity Variation of the Western Philippine Sea Plate from TAICRUST OBS/MCS Line 23
- Studies of Earthquake Seismology in Taiwan during the 1897-1996 Period
- Crustal Poisson's Ratio off Eastern Taiwan from OBS Data Modeling
- Velocity Structure Near the Northern Manila Trench: an OBS Refraction Study
- 海底地震儀之發展性
- Characteristics of Gas Hydrate and Free Gas Offshore Southwestern Taiwan: Preliminary Results from a Combined Seismic Reflection/Refraction Analysis
- 地球物理新技術之開發與應用