題 名 | 「木馬勝訴案」的省思 |
作 者 | 鄭博仁; 余敬虔; | 書刊名 | 資訊安全通訊 |
卷 期 | 10:1 2004.01[民93.01] |
頁 次 | 頁143-145 |
分類號 | 312.76、312.76 |
關鍵詞 | 資訊安全; 電腦犯罪; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 徐渭是明季的大寫意巨匠,他所開創的繪畫風格的後世深遠。徐渭本為傳統文人,晚年則寄情書畫,創作數量極多,流傳亦廣,然因當時風氣盛行作偽,故徐渭傳世畫作之真偽爭議性頗大。本文採歷史研究法,擬由題畫文學著手,探溯徐渭題畫文學中之繪畫理念,基於題畫文學原為題寫畫面之詩文,既有文學之本色亦可視為畫面因素,創作者常藉此吐露繪畫觀,故嘗試由徐渭題畫文學所揭示之繪畫理念作探討。全文除前言簡要說明徐渭繪畫背景之形成外,主要由其詩人身分析醞釀之繪畫點及畫家手法所開展之筆墨技巧作分析,以明白其大寫意繪畫風格之形成。經本文之研究發現,徐渭以詩文寫作章法經營繪畫布局,影響其筆墨運用,故能有從橫恣健的大寫意畫風。 W範。亦能符合IAAF徑賽場地標準化要求。 本研究建構出「陳氏定點標示系統」以個人電腦來運算各種弦長丈量法之數據,以程式運算取代人工運算,結果符合IAAF徑賽場地禁準化要求。「陳氏定點標示系統」應有採行之價值。 郃謍蛂B學校管理與溝通制度及人際關係與個人生活,每一構面均包含數道問題。藉由分析結果,歸納出參與網路教學教師參與之激勵因素,以作為學校管理單位制定改善途徑與具體激勵策略之用。 六、經平均數t值考驗變異數F值檢定,發現六年級學童之光概念顯著優於其他年級,而學童之光概念與其地區、性別、對自然課之喜好、自然讀物之喜好有部份相關,對自然實驗之喜好則無顯著差異。 |
英文摘要 | Hsu Wei was Ming-Dynasty's free-write master. The painting style he created deeply affects later generations. Hus Wei was originally a traditional scholar. In his later remaining years, he started to express his feelings through painting. The created many literary works for paintings and these works had been popularly perceived by the public. However, during that period of time, counterfeit paintings were also quite popular. Hence, the originality of Hsu Wei's works had become a great controversy. This study begins with literary works for painting. It is because literary works for painting was originally poems written for paintings, which express the nature of a literature and the creator's feelings and aspects towards paintings as seen in the layout of any painting. Form Hus Wei's literary works for painting, we can analyze how painting and literary come together and create a new theory in painting. This study briefly explains Hus Wei's painting background in the introductory paragraph. The main focus is its study the formation of Hsu Wei's Painting ideas as a poet and the techniques used in brush paint in view of a painter. Hopefully through this study, we can understand the formation of the free-write painting style. limeter. will of participation. |