- 以心率變異探討針刺對周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者之影響
- Measurement of Heart Rate Variability as an Interactive Determinant of the Autonomic Nervous System: Correlation with Chinese Medical Constitution
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- 針刺內關穴對正常人與冠狀動脈疾病患者心率變異度之影響
- 不同臥姿對自律神經活性的影響
- 針刺陽陵泉穴對肌運動前後兒茶酚胺與自律神經趨策力的影響
題 名 | 以心率變異探討針刺對周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者之影響=Effect of Acupuncture on Heart Rate Variability in the Peripheral Facial Palsy Patients |
作 者 | 李育臣; 張永賢; 邱創乾; 高宗桂; 劉定明; 許昇峰; | 書刊名 | 中華針灸醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁51-60 |
分類號 | 413.34 |
關鍵詞 | 自律神經; 心率變異; 周邊性顏面神經麻痺; 針刺; 中醫體質; Autonomic nerve system; Heart rate variability; Peripheral facial nerve palsy; Acupuncture; Chinese medical constitution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 背景:自律神經系統包括交感神經和副交感神經,共同支配著內臟器官功能活動的作用,當偵測到自律神經系統的活動情形,對觀察內臟的正常或異常有很大幫助。心率變異(Heart rate variability,HRV )分析研究在近年來受到重視,成為觀察自律神經活性的量化性。 周邊性顏面神經麻痺是以口角歪斜,眼睛不能閉合為主要症狀的一種病症,又稱:“口喎”、“卒口僻”、“口眼歪斜”、“引口移頰”。本病可發生於任何年齡,以20 至40 歲者居多,面部左右兩側的發病率大致相等。 本研究是以心率變異分析作為自律神經之測定值,並探討其與青壯年周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者之針刺前後相關性之研究。 方法:本研究以測量20~40 歲周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者的自律神經之交感及副交感神經時域與頻域分佈情形及振輻狀況並測量同年齡層之健康人作為對照組,同時探討針刺治療的臨床分析。 結果:青壯年男性周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者與青壯年健康人之男性比較,用Mann-Whitney 檢定(p<0.05):低頻-LF(msec2)較低;青壯年女性周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者與青壯年健康人之女性比較,用Mann-Whitney 檢定(p<0.05):相鄰竇性R-R 間期差值≧50 ms 的百分比-pNN50%,全頻Total Power(msec2),低頻-LF Power(msec2)、高頻-HF Power (msec2)均較低。青壯年男女周邊性顏面神經麻痺患者針刺前後比較,用Wilcoxon 符號等級檢定(p<0.05):針後較針前心跳N(Beats)減緩。 |
英文摘要 | Introduction: Autonomic nerve system includes sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, which cooperatively regulate individual organs. By monitoring the activities of autonomic nerve system, abnormal organ motion can be detected. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) has been brought up to attention recently as a quantitative measurement for monitoring autonomic nervous activity. HRV can also be used to investigate the correlation between autonomic function and Chinese medical constitution. Peripheral facial palsy is a disease which clinical characteristics include the to pull down on the normal side and the affected eyelid unable to close, giving the face an unbalanced appearance. It is also called facial nerve palsy. The disease can be found at any age of persons but mostly between 20 to 40 years old. The incidence of facial nerve palsy occurring on both sides of face is approximately equal. In this study, HRV value was used as an indicator of autonomic nerve function to investigate the alteration before and after acupuncture therapy on adult patients with facial nerve palsy. Method: Thirty adults aged from 20 to 40 with facial nerve palsy were selected into the experimental group in this study. Time domain and frequent domain of HRV was measured from individuals in both experimental and control group. The control group consists of thirty-three healthy adults within the same age to compare the differences. Moreover, this study will evaluate the effect of acupuncture therapy on the patients with facial nerve palsy. Results: The low frequency-LF power (msec2) of male adults with facial nerve palsy is significantly lower than healthy male adults in the control group by Mann-Whitney Testing (p<0.05). Female adult patients with facial nerve palsy compared to healthy female adults also using Mann-Whitney Testing (p<0.05) shows a lower level on the following indicators: the proportion derived by dividing NN50 by the total number of NN interval ( NN50:the number of interval differences of successive NN intervals larger than 50ms.)-pNN50%, Total Power(msec2), low frequency-LF Power(msec2), high-frequency-HF Power(msec2). It also showed that heart rates of both male and female adults with facial nerve palsy were significantly lowered after acupuncture treatment in Wilcoxon Testing (p<0.05). |