題 名 | 臺灣天然檜木林林分結構生長動態模擬模式建立之研究=Establishing a Simulation Model for Stand Dynamics of Natural False Cypress Forests in Taiwan |
作 者 | 林青蓉; 邱祈榮; | 書刊名 | 中華林學季刊 |
卷 期 | 36:2=131 2003.06[民92.06] |
頁 次 | 頁159-173 |
分類號 | 436.71 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣檜木; 林分結構動態; 矩陣生長模式; 生物歧異度; False cypress; Stand structure dynamic; Matrix growth model; Biodiversity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究針對臺灣地區天?檜林林型,以林務局民國67年之第二次「臺灣之森林資源及土地利用」,及民國71年之「臺灣森林資源之連續調查報告」,共計31個重複調查之天然檜木林型樣區資料,建立一多樹種、固定參數矩陣模式,用於預測林分中檜木、其他針葉樹及闊葉樹之生長與更新。為檢驗此短陣生長模式的預測能力,將其應用於模擬獨立於模式外之調查樣區10年回歸期的短期生長,結果顯示模式預測之三類樹種別各徑級內林木株數的平均值皆落於樣區實際觀測株數平均值的95%信賴區間;且t檢驗亦顯示,在1%的顯著水準下,模擬樣區中三類樹種別各徑級內林木株數的實際觀測值與預測值之差並不顯著。此生長模式隨後即應用於模擬在無大型天然或人為經營干擾之條件下,檜木林分在樹種組成及林木株數徑級分布上之長期演變,以民國60年代調查之4個具不同樹種組成比例和徑級分佈的樣區為起始林分狀態,模擬於100個回歸期間之檜木林分結構動態變化。 |
英文摘要 | A multi-species and fixed-parameter matrix model was developed to predict the stand growth of natural false cypress forests in Taiwan. This study used data from the second Taiwan Forest Resource and Land Use Inventory and its continuous inventory. The database comprised 31 re-measured plots across 13 forest sectors, representative of Taiwan island-wide natural forest type. Model predictions were tested against post-sample observation for short-term (10-year cutting cycle) accuracy. In general, the average of the predicted number of trees in each diameter class of three different species groups was within the 95% confidence interval of the average of the observed number of trees. A series of t test also confirmed that the mean errors between predicted and observed number of trees in each species-size class was not significantly different from zero, at the 1% significance level. The growth model was then applied to simulate the long-term dynamics of stand development in species composition and diameter distribution, for an interval of one hundred 10-year cutting cycles, without major disturbances of natural disasters or management, starting with four different stand states taken from the observed stands. |