題 名 | 何謂政治經濟學?=What is Political Economy? |
作 者 | 蕭全政; | 書刊名 | 政治學報 |
卷 期 | 35 2003.06[民92.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-34 |
分類號 | 570.1355 |
關鍵詞 | 政治經濟學; 經濟自由主義; 經濟國家主義; 馬克思主義; 重商主義; Political economy; Economic liberalism; Economic nationalism; Marxism; Mercantilism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自一九七○年代以來,國內外學界都重新重視政治經濟學的理論,是對於何謂政治經濟學,卻是各說各話的莫衷一是。本文從政治經濟學的發展過程及社會科學理論典範的角度,希望論證政治經濟學不但是一種社會科學理論,還隱含一種特定的生命哲學與歷史變動哲學。相對於過去重視超時空的理慌傳統,本文強調,假如要解釋或解決相關的政經問題,我們必須先從開放體系的政經脈絡中,定位各相關主體的結構性特色,並從整體政經結構的長期變遷中,才能掌握以這些主體為核心的相關特定因果脈絡與發展。 |
英文摘要 | There exist a lot of controversies over what the political economy“ is, although it has regained great momentum since the 1970s. From the historical development of political economy and the framework of two paradigms in social sciences, this paper attempts to argue that political economy usually contains a specific life philosophy and the philosophy of history of the related actor, besides as one kind of social science theory. If we really want to explain or solve the political and economic problems, we have to grasp first the structural features of the related actors in the political and economic contexts, and then the specific causal connections in the related historical structural change. |