- Figurative Extension of Chinese Classifiers
- The Diachronic Study of Chinese Numeral Classifiers
- The Historical Development of Chinese Verbal Classifiers
- Chinese Quasi-classifiers
- 中文失語症病患量詞使用之研究
- Major Events and Important Characters in the Historical Development of Chinese Classifiers
- The Creation and Emulation of Unusual Classifiers in Chinese--A Historical Review
- HMM式中文詞性自動標注系統
- 對照與建構:中英文量詞結構型態析論
- 中国語母語話者による「一」を含む日本語数量詞の産出に関する研究--数量表現における日中両言語の異同を焦点に
題 名 | Figurative Extension of Chinese Classifiers=中文分類量詞之譬喻引申 |
作 者 | 謝健雄; | 書刊名 | 大葉學報 |
卷 期 | 12:2 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁73-83 |
分類號 | 802.39 |
關鍵詞 | 中文; 分類量詞; 隱喻引申; 轉喻引申; 量詞; Chinese; Classifiers; Metaphorical extension; Metonymical extension; Measure words; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討中文分類量詞之隱喻與轉喻引申。作者先從中文量詞中辨識分類量詞,並為中文分類量詞下定義,然後以喻體、喻依、類比之架構析論中文分類量詞之隱喻引申,並以各式轉喻關聯綱要析論中文分類量詞之轉喻引申。結果發現中文分類量詞之譬喻引申可以是同一詞組內之水平性語言現象,亦可以是跨越不同詞組之垂直性現象,並發現分類量詞與名詞結合成一個譬喻相當豐富之語言結構,這是有別於其他中文量詞之一項顯著特色。 |
英文摘要 | This article investigates metaphorical and metonymical extension of Chinese classifiers. A working definition of Chinese classifiers is determined in relation to Chinese measure words in the first place. Explored subsequently are (1) metaphorical extension of Chinese classifiers in terms of metaphorical theme, vehicle, and analogy and (2) metonymical extension of Chinese classifiers in terms of various schemas of metonymic association. It is found that figurative meanings or usages of Chinese classifiers arise from syntagmatic or paradigmatic extension and that a Chinese classifier concatenates with a succeeding noun to form a metaphor- and metonymy-rich phrasal construction, which is a distinctive feature in contrast with other types of Chinese measure words. |