- 臺灣週邊海域之海流分佈
- Structural Control of the Taitung Canyon in the Huatung Basin East of Taiwan
- Digital Elevation Model Offshore Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications
- Distribution of the Bottom-Simulating Reflector in the Offshore Taiwan Collision Zone
- Morphological and Seismic Characteristics of the North Mien-Hua Submarine Canyon off Northeastern Taiwan
- Depositional Model for the Oligocene Sandstone in the Southwest Taiwan Offshore
- Coherence Analysis of 3-D Seismic Data Acquired in Offshore Taiwan
- 宜蘭灣水團與臺灣北部陸棚水之關係
- 析論我國海域立法的進展、意涵與影響
- 臺灣附近週邊海域之地形、地勢與底質