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題 名 | 歷史批判法和社會科學法在「新約」福音書詮釋上的應用及其批判=A Critical Reflection on the Application of Historical-Critical Method and Social-Scientific Approaches to the Interpretation of the Gospels |
作 者 | 歐力仁; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 31:4 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁353-365 |
分類號 | 241.016 |
關鍵詞 | 聖經詮釋; 福音書; 歷史批判法; 社會科學批判法; 呂格爾; 文本的自主性; 意義的無限性; 內化; Biblical interpretation; Hermeneutics; The Gospels; Historical-critical method; Social-scientific approaches; Richard Bauckham; Paul Ricoeur; Textual independence; Multi-plicity of meaning; Appropriation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「聖經詮釋」是基督教神學研究當中極為重要的一環,因為基督徒相信,{聖經》的內容是上帝給予人類最為完整的啟示〈聖經〉不但是基督教唯一的經典,同時也是基督徒的信仰生活、倫理道德標準以及世界觀的來源和依據。因此,「聖經詮釋」是基督教信仰不可或缺的要素,「聖經詮釋者」在基督徒團體中更扮演著舉足輕重的角色,因為,他們所採取的立場及其對經文的理解,進而闡述的意義將左右基督徒的信仰態度。 自啟蒙運動(theEnlightenment)起, (聖經》的研究與詮釋幾乎全部集中在與「作者」、「寫作地點」和「讀者」有關的議題上;專司〈聖經〉研究的學者們把這幾項議題視為整部〈聖經〉研究主要的方向,也是最值得探索的課題。他們也認為,行之有年的「歷史批判法」(historical-criticalmethod)或是帽起不久的同士會科學方法J(social-scientific approaches)似乎是最能夠答覆上述問題的研究法,因而也是最合法的〈聖經〉詮釋學,甚至將其研究的結論奉為標準答案。這種現象代表著〈聖經〉的研究正面臨一種「混淆」的危機。因為,新約學者們錯誤地將屬於「一般/哲學詮釋學」(general/philosophical hermeneutics)的歷史批判法和社會科學方法植λ屬於「特殊/神學詮釋學」 (special/theological hermeneutics)範疇的〈聖經〉詮釋活動,因此不僅造成方法論上的混淆,也產生了宗教信仰的危機。在運用歷史批判法與社會科學方法之學者的眼中,〈聖經〉中所記載的事件無異於一般歷史事件,所以〈聖經〉文本當然如同一般歷史文件。至於基督徒所相信的「神聖因素」(上帝的作為)則避而不談或存而不論。 以下將概略地敘述歷史批判法和社會科學方法的性質,並〈新約〉學界中的「福音書」研究做為例子,以闡述這一個<聖經>一神學」詮釋學的危機(biblicaltheologicalhermeneutical crisis)的緣由、本質及其效應,並且建議聖經學者嘗試以法國哲學詮釋學 家保羅﹒呂格爾(PaulRicoeur)的詮釋理論為來解釋〈聖經〉。 |
英文摘要 | Biblica1 interpretation is of great significance in Chris-tian theology in that Christians have no doubt that the content of the Bible is God's revelation to the humankind, and that the Bible not merely the on1y scripture of Christianity but a1sothe source and foundation for Christian life, mora1ityand Weltanschauung. Biblica1 interpretation, hence, is an irreducible essence for the Christian faith, and the interpreter plays an important role in the Christian community, for the position he or she holds and the meanings of the Bible he or she perceives and explicates to a great extent affects Christians' attitude towards their faith. Since the Enlightenment the themes of biblica1 studies have revolved around "the authors", "places of writing" and "the intended readers" of each book. Most biblica1 scholars even regard these issues as the terminus a quo as well as terminus ad quem of biblical studies. Furthermore they deem the long-standing historica1-critica1 method or the new-fashioned socia1-scientific approaches to be the best and most adequate theories and hermeneutics in that area. As a result, the Christian faith is considerably undermined by the name of "academic research". By identifying some major problems within Gospel scholarship the present artic1e is intended to highlight the nature and aftermath of the biblical-theological hermeneutical crisis and to suggest that Paul Ricoeur'shermeneutics wi1l be a better choice. |