題 名 | 大學生自主性學習之調查研究:以醫學系學生為例=Factors Affecting University Students' Auto-Learning--Based on the Survey of Medical Students in China Medical University |
作 者 | 洪寶蓮; 陳緋娜; | 書刊名 | 通識教育年刊. 中國醫藥學院 |
卷 期 | 5 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁129-151 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 自主性學習; 內在動機; 醫學教育; 影響因素; 背景變項; 醫學生; Auto-learning; Medical education; Internal motivation; Background variables; Medical students; Volunteer experience; Family economics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國內大學生學習狀況的改善,提升自主性的學習甚為重要,本研究以醫學系學生為例,透過問卷調查法進行自主性學習之調查研究。以本校醫學系一年級至五年級201名自願接受調查的學生為研究對象,研究結果發現,醫學生在自主性學習的表現維持在中上程度。未來出路的考量是就讀醫學系的主因,臨床醫學的醫學興趣最高,過半數醫學生認為醫生更競爭激烈、醫病關係惡化、薪水縮減,唯超過五成的醫學生想成為仁心仁術的良醫,將來可能從事醫學研究及從事醫療工作服務人群。課程太多缺乏動力及填鴨式大班教學效果差是醫學生對目前學校課程及教學方式的看法,同儕學習與老師的教法影響自主性學習較多,醫學教育改革對自主性學習的產生正面的影響。根據單因子變異數分析的結果,年級、家庭經濟、義工經驗及學期成績表現對自主性學習之差異性比較,達顯著差異,年級越低,自主性學習越好。經濟狀況很差與經濟狀況不太好的醫學生在自主性學習的表現優於家境普通與家境小康之醫學生。擔任過醫院義工的同學在自主性學習的表現比沒有在醫院擔任過義工的醫學生好。學習成績表現很好的醫學生之自主性學習表現最為理想。在性別、公自費、父母管教方式、父母教育程度與父母職業等背景變項則未達顯著差異。根據研究結果提出具體建議供醫學教育及輔導工作參考。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan, the improvement of university students' learning and the evevation of students' auto-learning are very important. This study is focused on the students' auto-learning via the questionnaires of medical students. In China Medical University 201 volunteers from 1st to fifth year medical students were interviewed. The results showed that the achievement of medical students' auto-learning was above the average. The future outcome is the major concern for entering medcial school, especially the interests of clinical medicine. Although over 50% of medical students were concerned about the increasing competition between doctors, the worse patient- doctor relationship and the decreased doctor salaries, over 50% still wants to be kind and skillful doctors, engaging in the clinical researches and services for the population in the future. Too many courses, lack of internal motivation and forced learning of big classes are criticized for present school courses and teachings. Peer learning, teaching methods and medical education improvement have positive effects on auto-learning. Based on the results of one way analysis of variance, the background variables such as school year, family economics, volunteer experience and school works are statistically significant factors for the auto-learning. The lower the school year, the better the auto-learning. The worse the family economics, the better the auto-learning. The medical students with volunteer experience have better auto-learning than those without volunteer experience. Students with better school works have better auto-learning. However, Sex, self-payment for tuition, parents' education, guidance over students and professions are not statistically significant. Finally based on these results, the proper suggestions will be given for the references of medical education and students' guidance. |