題 名 | 市民導向的政策形成過程模式之研究:以臺北市竊盜防治政策為例=A Study of Citizen-oriented Policy Formulation Process Model: A Case Study on Burglary Crimes Prevention Policy |
作 者 | 吳進宗; | 書刊名 | 行政暨政策學報 |
卷 期 | 37 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁137-176 |
分類號 | 548.56、548.56 |
關鍵詞 | 政策形成模式; 政策制訂模式; 市民導向的公共政策; 竊盜防治; Policy-formulation model; Policy-making model; Citizen-oriented public policy; Burglary crime prevention; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 竊盜問題為人類社會中最傳統的犯罪問題,也是世界各國在防治犯罪上最困擾的問題之一;在所有犯罪問題中,竊盜犯罪一直是發生率較高的犯罪型態,民眾對治安感受,也經常以竊盜問題的嚴重程度為測量指標。 惟檢視過去有關竊盜問題研究大都從犯罪學角度著手,甚少以公共政策觀點系統性地予以研究。本研究之問題為:以竊盜防治政策為例,市民導向或菁英導向的政策形成模式是否會影響該項政策之績效?為探求此問題之答案,首先檢視影響竊盜防治政策效果的相關理論:犯罪區位、情境預防、一般化犯罪、日常活動、民眾參與及基層員警等六類理論途徑。然後,運用比較研究法,以警勤區為劃分範圍,選擇竊盜率最高與最低的轄區進行比較,運用質化方法,深度訪問高階警官、基層警員、社區居民代表,從六項理論途徑檢視市民導向或菁英導向的竊盜政策是否影響竊盜率的高低。最終研究目的是建構足以產生竊盜防治效果的政策形成模式。 研究方法除文獻分析外,本研究尚運用深度訪談法,訪問大安分局及文山第一分局之基層員警十二人、社區民眾十三人、該二分局及警察局竊盜業務承辦人三人,總共二十八人。 研究發現如下:市民導向或菁英導向的政策形成模式確實對於竊盜防治政策的產生有某種程度的影響,凡是基層員警與社區民眾互動較佳的地區,其竊盜率較低,而凡是警察與社區民眾互動較少的地區,則其竊盜率較高。基此,本研究建議今後應建構市民導向的竊盜防治政策,才能確實保障社區民眾的生命與財產安全。 |
英文摘要 | Criminal reports indicate that burglary is one of the most unpleasant crimes we are facing in today’s society. For the general public, they are afraid of being the victims of the burglary crimes, but also are worry about the exposure of liability risks. Therefore, the burglary prevention policy is one of the most significant public policy issues that Police Department has to cope with. The research problem is: Will the citizen-oriented or elite-oriented policy formulation influence the performance of burglary prevention? The purpose of this study is to explore the policy formulation process model of burglary prevention from the perspective of comparative research. Data collected for analysis in this study comes from two kinds of sources: literature review and qualitative interviews with 2 high-ranking officers, 15 patrol officers and 13 residents in two large law enforcement branches under the jurisdiction of the Police Department. Of various research findings in the study, this study particularly showed that the extent and scope of interaction between community residents and law enforcement branches determines the performance of burglary prevention policy, i.e., those who patrol officers are collaborating closely with citizens and community leaders, and usually successfully demonstrate satisfactory performance of burglary prevention policy. Through a Neighborhood Watch organization, neighbors agree to keep an eye on each other's property and to report suspicious activities to the Police. This research concludes that the burglary prevention policy-formulation model should be citizen-oriented and bottom-up-perspective, and emphasizing the first-line crime-control implementer’s experiences and the voices coming from community, and encouraging the residents to participate the Neighborhood Watch program. The author, lastly, concludes that formulating a citizen-oriented policy-making model is the most effective alternative to prevent the burglary crimes. |