- 體外循環維生系統的臨床應用
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題 名 | 體外循環維生系統的臨床應用=Clinical Application of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation |
作 者 | 蔡壁如; 柯文哲; | 書刊名 | 中華民國重症醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 5:4 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁274-283 |
分類號 | 416.262 |
關鍵詞 | 體外循環維生系統; 心臟移植; 肺臟移植; 心臟術後心因性休克; 心肌震暈症; 體外循環維生系統下支持心臟停止後的器官捐贈者; 體外循環維生系統作心肺復甦; Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; Heart transplantation; Lung transplantation; Post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock; Myocardiac stunning; Non-heart beating donor; Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 體外循環維生系統是由開心手術的體外心肺機發展而來,主要應用於重症加護單位需長時間(1~30天)用體外循環作心肺功能支持的急重症心肺衰竭病患。體外循環作心肺功能支持的急重症心肺衰竭病患。體外循環維生系統提供部份的心肺功能以支持病人,但病人自己的心臟或肺臟仍需有部份功能存在,與心肺機通常是暫時取代全部心肺功能是兩者最大的差異。總之體外循環維生系統應用於可回復性的、急性的、嚴重的心臟衰竭或呼吸衰竭的病患。直到病人心肺功能恢復或接受心、肺移植,臺大醫院的體外循環維生系統由心臟外科發展出來,主要的適應症還是以急性心衰竭為主。 |
英文摘要 | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is term used to describe prolonged but temporary (1~30 days) support of heart or lung function using mechanical devices. Blood flow through the ECMO circuit is regulated to provide part of the circulation and gas exchange required in a patient. ECMO is always “partial” bypass as opposed to “total” bypass which is required for cardiac operation. With circulation and gas exchange supported mechanically, the native heart and hung less not needed for life support and are allowed to “rest”. This means that support continues until heart or lung function improves or patients receives heart-lung transplantation. The amount of blood flow is based on the degree of supportrequired, which in turn is based on a series of physiologic monitors in the circuit and on the patient. ECMO is indicated for acute sever reversible cardiac or respiratory failure when the risk of dying from the primary disease despite optimal conventional treatment is high. |