題 名 | 女性節日文化初探:以近代方志中的「元宵走橋」等習俗為例=A Preliminary Study of Chinese Women's Festival Culture: Based on "Tzoou-chyou" and Other Customs Recorded in "Fang-chi" |
作 者 | 洪淑苓; | 書刊名 | 臺大文史哲學報 |
卷 期 | 59 2003.11[民92.11] |
頁 次 | 頁297-299+301-336 |
分類號 | 533.59 |
關鍵詞 | 節日; 女性研究; 習俗; 中秋節; 元宵節; Festival; Women study; Custom; Mid-Autumn Festival; Lantern Festival; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文取材於明清筆記與方志,由走橋、忌針、偷青與摸秋、祭�I等習俗為例,分析節日習俗中的女性活動之意義,並藉此探討女性節日文化的特質。全文約三萬言,從女性空間的拓展、女性休閒時間觀、女性婚姻之祈願與女性身分之規範四個角度切入。本文認為女性節日文化特質有四:由元宵燈市與走橋等習俗,得知節日習俗開放女性參與公共空間,由此而享受節日神聖空間的狂歡文化;由正月或二月忌針、停針線,七夕穿針乞巧等習俗,得知節日習俗建構了女性休閒觀,但仍以男耕女織的社會背景為基礎;元宵偷青、中秋摸秋習俗,反映節日習俗中的祈子文化,與女性關係尤其密切,而此類「偷」俗使女性得以戲謔的方式表達心願;節日習俗每有性別分工的現象,但「男不祭月,女不祭�I」的禁忌,則顯示女性地位的邊緣與弱勢。節日習俗有創發、傳承民族文化之功,研究女性節日文化,可促使我們重視節日文化的多元化,深具意義。 |
英文摘要 | This article analyzes the meanings of women's activities in Chinese festivals. The discussion is based on the customs of "tzoou-chyou"(走橋)、"jih-ching"(忌針)、"tou-ching"(偷青)、"mho-chiou"(摸秋)and "jih-tzaw"(祭), through which the characteristics of women's festival culture are explored, in terms of women's space, women's leisure time, women's marriage wish and women's identity. The four characteristics of women's festival culture are as follows. First, the festival custom allows women to enter the public space and enjoy the holy space and carnival. Second, the festival custom sets up women's leisure time by no stitching or sewing in order to pray for being smart. Third, the festival custom , especially the special custom called "tou-ching" or "mho-chiou" that means stealing vegetables or stealing a pumpkin from others' farm, reflects women's deep wish in having a baby. Fourth, the festival custom usually has gendered divides. For example, there is an old saying that "men don't pray to the moon while women don't pray to the God of kitchen". It really hints that women's social position is petty and low. In the end, these analyses demonstrate the clear abundance of women's festival culture. |