題 名 | 大專排球運動教練領導行為比較研究=A Comparison of Volleyball Coaches' Leadership Behavior in Colleges of Taiwan |
作 者 | 蕭嘉惠; | 書刊名 | 花蓮師院學報 |
卷 期 | 17(教育類) 民92.11 |
頁 次 | 頁211-240 |
分類號 | 528.954 |
關鍵詞 | 教練領導行為; 多元領導模式; 滿意度; Leadership behavior; The multidimensional model of leadership; Leadership scale for sport; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解並比較大專排球聯賽第一級選手,所知覺與偏好的教練領導行為之差異情形,並探討臺灣地區大專排球聯賽第一級教練領導行為與選手成績表現及滿意度之間的關係。研究對象為230名參加大專排球聯賽第一級之運動選手,並以「排球教練領導行為與成績滿意度之關係問卷」為研究工具進行調查。根據調查所蒐集之資料,經單因子多變項變異數分析(one-way MANOVA)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、多元逐步迴歸(multiple stepwise regression)、及薛費氏法(Scheffe’s method)等統計方法處理,所得結果經討論後之結論如下: 一、大專院校排球聯賽第一級選手所知覺與偏好的教練領導行為差異頗大,而過去的許多研究(陳玉娟,民84;鄭敏雄,民81;Chelladurai , 1984;McMillin, 1990)均認為:選手知覺與偏好的教練領導行為一致性愈高,選手的滿意度及參與校隊訓練的意願也會相對提高。因此,教練應提高訓練與指導行為、民主行為、關懷行為、與獎勵行為,以縮小選手對教練領導行為「期望」與「實際」上的差距,並提高團隊績效。 二、選手會因背景變項(性別、年齡、隊齡、訓練頻率)的不同,而影響其知覺與偏好的教練領導行為。同時,選手性別、年齡、隊齡、最高運動成就上的差異,亦會影響其對成績表現及教練領導行為的滿意度。且大多數的研究結果,也都與本研究結果持相同的論點。因此,教練應瞭解選手的差異及選手實際的需求與期望,並正視選手期望的與實際感受到的教練領導行為間的差異,進而縮小兩者間的差異及提高選手的滿意度,應是現階段從事教練實務工作者應努力的方向。 三、選手知覺的與偏好的教練領導行為差距,能有效預測選手對成績表現及教練領導行為的滿意度。因此,若要提昇選手對成績表現及教練領導行為的滿意度,就應加強教練領導行為的四個向度(訓練與指導行為、民主行為、關懷行為、以及獎勵行為)。 四、本研究以選擇的前因變項(選手個人特質、環境變項),比較知覺及偏好的教練領導行為、成績表現、及滿意度之差異,並應用選手知覺與偏好的教練領導行為差距來預測結果變項。其結果部分支持其他研究之共同發現,部分則仍未有一致之看法。不過,本研究之具體結果,仍可驗證Chelladurai的多元領導模式。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to reveal the interrelationship between volleyball coaches' and players' performance as well as satisfaction in Taiwan. Two hundred and thirty players, who attend National College Volleyball Game (Division Ⅰ) and study at college or university, served as the subjects of this study. The Chinese version of LSS (Cheng, 1996) was adopted in the questionnaires. Simple correlation, one-way MANOVA, one-way ANOVA, multiple stepwise regression, and Scheffe's method were used to analyze the data. Within the scope of this study, the following conclusion were derived; a. The respondents reported significant differences in their perceived and preferred coaches' leadership behavior. Earlier researches (Chen, 1995; Cheng, 1992; Chelladurai, 1984; McMillin, 1990) revealed that if coaches intend to promote players' performance and satisfaction, the perceived score must be consistent with the preferred score. So, the volleyball coaches in Taiwan intend to promote teams' performance, they have to strengthen training and instruction, democratic, social support, and positive feedback behavior. b. The players' perceivable and preferable coaches' leadership behavior were mostly affected by different variety, such as gender, age, period time of been player and training frequency. At the same time, these difference also far influent their performance and satisfaction in coaches' leadership behavior. And it shown the same result to this research. Therefore, coaches should put themselves in players shoes to understand the difference of what they need and what they really expect and to narrow down those differences and increase players satisfaction are coaches' job to work it out now. c. The different about players perceived and preferred coacher' leadership behavior can predict the players' performance and satisfaction. So, the volleyball coaches in Taiwan intend to promote players' satisfaction, they have to strengthen training and instruction, democratic, social support, and positive feedback behavior. d. This research basic on Antecedents (players' personal characteristic, environment influence) to compare difference in perceivable and preferable coaches leadership behavior, players' performance and satisfaction, and is used to predict how the result can be changed, though not all the research show the same conclusion but most of them is found to be agree with, so it can be said that this research prove that Chelladural's multidimensional Model of Leadership theory. |