- 神經根病變之電生理檢查
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- 頸神經根病變之復健
- 神經學之最新發展(3):單纖維肌電圖及其最新發展
- 震顫之表面肌電圖檢查
題 名 | 神經根病變之電生理檢查=Electrophysiologic Examination in Patients with Radiculopathy |
作 者 | 吳進安; 廖光淦; | 書刊名 | Acta Neurologica Taiwanica |
卷 期 | 12:2 2003.06[民92.06] |
頁 次 | 頁97-105 |
分類號 | 415.81 |
關鍵詞 | 神經根病變; 肌電圖; 正相銳波; 顫動電位; 運動單位電位; Radiculopathy; RAD; Electromyography; EMG; Positive sharp wave; PSW; Fibrillation potential; FIB; Motor unit potential; MUP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文先回顧神經根病變之病理生理學,再介紹各種電生理檢查的發現、用途及限制,包含運動神經傳導檢查、感覺神經傳導檢查、遲發反應(H反射及F反應)、體感覺誘發電位、運動誘發電位及針極肌電圖,目前仍舊以針極肌電圖最有價值,不僅有助於病灶之診斷,同時可推測其病程演變情況和將來的預後,做為治療的參考。但肌電圖的用途仍有許多限制,它與神經影像學檢查(電腦斷層∕磁振造影)分別評量神經根病變之生理性功能和結構性病灶,兩者具有互補的效果,無分優劣。最後強調肌電圖報告應注意之事項,報告應參考臨床發現和申請者的需求,內容力求整體化,以免發生誤導。 |
英文摘要 | We reviewed the pathophysiology of radiculopathy and discussed the electrophysiologic findings, applications and limitations of different studies applied to radiculopathy, which included motor and sensory nerve conduction studies, late responses, somatosensory and motor evoked potentials, and needle electromyography. So far needle electromyography is the oldest and most useful technique to detect the motor axon-loss of radiculopathy. It also has been used to evaluate the severity and prognosis of radiculopathy. The needle electromyography and neuroimaging studies are hardly to make comparison because they focus on different aspects of radiculopathy, one for functional and another for structural abnormalities. Both may be complementary each other. Needle electromyography is often necessary to determine whether abnormal neuroimaging findings are of functional significance. We emphasized that the electromyography is one of medical consultation using electrophysiologic techniques and the report should include the whole picture of electrophysiologic findings and correlate with patient’s history and clinical findings. |