題 名 | 面對形上學的一些省思=Some Reflections on Metaphysics |
作 者 | 李震; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 30:2=345 2003.02[民92.02] |
頁 次 | 頁19-28 |
專 輯 | 形上學專題 |
分類號 | 164.91 |
關鍵詞 | 形上學; 存有論; 存有; 虛無; 道; Metaphysics; Ontology; Being; Nothingness; Tao; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在任何一個文化中,都少不了哲學,而在任何一種哲學中,形上學似乎永遠是引起熱烈探討的科目。因為哲學本身即是追根究底的一門學問,最為符合人性的需求,而在哲學的遼闊領域中,形上學探索的是根本問題中的終極本根或原理。在這篇省思中,只簡要地探討三個問題:壹、形上學是什麼?貳、形上學的核心理念──存有與虛無的問題。參、為什麼有許多人厭惡,排斥形上學?在西方哲學思想的發展史中,形上學和存有論有鼎盛時期,有衰落的時期,也有長期被抹黑並試圖置之於死地的時候。但是肯定形上學的學者也好,否定它的也好,皆不能自外於形上學而探討形上學。就如「有」即是「有」,總不能把有說成「無」或「沒有」。其理至明,如果在全球舉行世界公民投票,相信絕大多數的人會贊成:「有即是有」。為此可以說:「人」作為一個靈性動物,他的腳雖然站立在形而下的大地上,他的精神活動使他不能不承認自己是形而上的存在。 |
英文摘要 | No cultures can dispense with philosophies, while metaphysics seems to be the most controversial subject in any philosophy. Since philosophy is a study not only scrutinous but also the most appropriate to human needs, among the different areas of philosophy, metaphysics is the one that explores the ultimate root or principle of the essential questions. In this article, the writer only discusses three questions succinctly: first, what metaphysics is; second, the central idea of metaphysics--being and nothingness; third, why many people dislike and repel metaphysics. Throughout the development of western philosophy, both metaphysics and ontology have their ups and downs, being chronically besmeared and oppressed. Either for or against metaphysics, we can't discuss metaphysics from the outside, which is just as clear as “being” can be addressed neither as “nonexistence” nor “nothingness” but “being.” If we hold a global plebiscite, it is believed most people would agree that “being is being.” Therefore we can say: “Man” as a spiritual creature, while his feet stand on the physical ground, his mental activities make him have to recognize his metaphysical being. |