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題 名 | 我國與日本憲法「概括性人權」保障規範之初探=An Analysis of Regularity of "The People's Unenumerated Rights" in the Constitutions of R.O.C. and Japanese |
作 者 | 蕭淑芬; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 31 2003.01[民92.01] |
頁 次 | 頁71-91 |
分類號 | 581.23 |
關鍵詞 | 憲法; 權利; 人權; 基本權; 基本人權; 概括的權利; 概括性人權; 個人尊重; 人性尊嚴; Rights; Human rights; Fundamental rights; The people's unenumetated rights; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 所謂概括性人權保障,又稱為總則性人權保障,係汎稱憲法上所未列舉之人權保障而言。換言之,憲法對於人權保障,並不限於憲法所列舉之權利。憲法所未列舉之人權,亦同受憲法保障。「概括性人權」之概念,即在於宣告並確認憲法人權保障之項目與內容,並不限於憲法本文所明文列舉。如此之想法,事實上具體地反映在諸多近代各國憲法的條文中。首先,一七八九年制定之「美國憲法」,其增修條文第九條即規定「本憲法對於一定權利之列舉,不得解釋為否定或輕視人民所保有的其他權利」。再者,「德國基本法」與「日本憲法」之條文中亦有類似規定。「德國基本法」第二條第一項規定「人民有自由發展其人格之權利,但以不侵害他人之權利或違背合憲秩序或道德律為限」。至於「日本憲法」第十三條則規定「所有國民以個人之身分受尊重。國民之生命、自由及幸福追求的權利,在不違反公共福祉之限度內,立法及其他國家政治之運作上,必須予以最大之尊重」。再者,我國憲法之條文中,亦有類似之規定。我國「憲法」第二十二條規定「凡人民之其他自由及權利,不妨害社會秩序公共利益者,均受憲法之保障」。 本論文之目的即在於介紹並分析我國「憲法」與「日本憲法」對「概括性人權」保障之規範,並比較學說解釋上的差異,希望能提供國內公法學界對於「概括性人權」保障之規範不同的觀察角度。除此之外,筆者希望藉由對日本學說的觀察,能重新思考我國憲法規範「概括性人權」保障條款之意義,並進一步思考我國憲法保障人權之意義與法理。 |
英文摘要 | While the text of the Constitution enumerates some rights, and amendments provide other rights, many scholars and judges have noted that these rights are not exhaustive, and that additional “unenumetated” rights also exit. The so-called “The People's Uneumerated Rights” means that those rights which are not enumerated by the Constitution, but are still covered by the Constitution. We can easily find out that this kind of regularity exists in many countries' Constitutions, for instance, Ninth Amendment in United States Constitution, article 2 section 1 in Germany Constitution, article 13 in Japanese Constitution, and article 22 in our Constitution. The main purpose of this article is to introduce and analyze the of regularity of “The People's Uneumerated Rights” in the Constitutions of R.O.C. and Japanese. I will also try to compare the differences between those Constitutions and to rephrase the meaning of “The People's Unenumerated Rights” in our Constitution. |