題 名 | 立法委員選舉制度的改革與過渡--2001年立委選舉結果的省思=The Reform and Transformation of the Legislative Electoral Systems--Reflections on the 2001 Legislative Electoral Outcome |
作 者 | 張世熒; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 11:4 2002.09[民91.09] |
頁 次 | 頁1-24 |
分類號 | 573.3 |
關鍵詞 | 單一選區兩票制; 複數選區單記非讓渡投票制; 政黨比例代表制; Single-member-district & Two-ballot; Single non-transferable vote under multi-member-district; Party proportional representation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國現行的立委選制「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」,容易造成政黨內部派系對立、同黨候選人競爭激烈、政黨認同度降低等結果,不利於政黨政治的良性發展;加以選舉過程所衍生的賄選、暴力介入選舉和競選言論偏激、候選人走偏鋒等現象層出不窮,對台灣民主政治的發展確有負面影響。因此,立委選制的改革,近年來迭受學界關注,政府主管機關、政黨及立法委員亦有類似主張,其中以朝向「單一選區兩票制」規劃較具共識。一般而言,此制可以有效抑制賄選買票風氣,並能加強政黨紀律,進而提昇立院議事品質和效率,是現階段國會改革最重要的課題。 1996年12月的「國家發展會議J '國、民兩黨達成了「單一選區兩票制」的共識,惟「兩票制」部分究採「德式並用制」或「日式並立制」,兩黨則意見分歧。2001年立委選舉結果,由於部分高民調支持度的候選人落選,讓大家再度正視現行選 制的缺失,因此,還後針對立委選制的改革,朝野政黨似乎已感受到其急迫性,也讓學術界多年來的呼籲露出曙光。本文即從立法委員選舉制度切入,比較歐、美、日各國的國會議員選舉制度,探討其利弊得失,並提出改革及過渡性建議。 |
英文摘要 | Our current legislative electoral system, the single non-transferable voting system, leads to factional rivalries 、intensive intra-party competition and the lack of party identification、 which hampers the development of a sounding party system. In addition, the vote-buying 、the violence and the radical debates involved during the campaign process have indeed caused negative effects. Hence, the reform of the electoral system has raised the academic attention, and the government, parties and legislators all have brought out the consensus to work toward the mixed systems ( Plurality-PR、the so-called single-member-district and two-ballot system) . In general, this system can effectively prohibit vote-buying incidents and increase party discipline, therefore increase the quality and efficiency of the legislative process可which are the main focuses of the current Congress reform. In the National Development Conference held at December 1996, The KMT and the DPP reached the consensus of electoral changes toward " the single-member-district and two-ballots electoral system", yet no conclusion was reached on whether to adopt the German corrective system or Japanese combination system. After the 2001 legislative electoral outcomes可some of the highly ranking candidates in the poll lost the campaign, which brought up the drawbacks of the current electoral system in front of the public again. Therefore, after the election, the major parties seem to notice the urgency of the reform on the electoral system, and the voice of the academic advocates is finally heard. The paper will address the legislative electoral system. By comparing the European, the U.S', Japanese legislative electoral systems, 1 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various electoral systems、m the hope to propose a transitional reform plan. |