題 名 | 西中口譯線上教學之探討=A Study of On-Line Teaching of Spanish-Chinese Interpretation |
作 者 | 盧慧娟; 呂羅雪; 閻艾琳; | 書刊名 | 翻譯學研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 7 2002.12[民91.12] |
頁 次 | 頁341-375 |
專 輯 | 第六屆口筆譯教學研討會論文輯要 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 網際網路; 商務口譯教學網站; 西中口譯線上教學; Internet; Website of ITBI; On-line teaching of Spanish-Chinese interpretation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為配合教育部「台灣因應全球趨向的口譯人才培訓方案」計畫執行之目標,本論文旨透過「商務口譯教學網站」分析探討西中口譯線上學習的可行性,從口譯實務經驗、教學心得和相關研究之切入點探討西中口譯和網路教學的重要性,並藉由教學者與網路科技互動的實際操作經歷和學習者的問卷調查對中西組網路教案之技術架構與內容規劃進行階段性評估與檢討,其結果除作為未來總計畫修改方向之依據外,並希望能提供目前台灣外語網路教學與口譯教學等相關理論研究與實務應用之參考。 在問卷結果方面,淡江、靜宜和成功大學的34位受訪的研究對象中,一半以上擁有便利的軟硬體上網環境,大都屬高上網頻率者,其上網目的同時兼具學習和娛樂效果,也都有西文上網學習的經驗。此外,大部分人喜歡西翻中筆譯和口譯,最喜歡的口、筆譯主題皆為文化素材,絕大多數沒有從事過筆譯或口譯相關的工作經驗。針對教案內容設計的反應,分別有相當高比例的學習者認為「語言知識」、「全文及相關知識補充」和「技法說明」對口譯有助益,也有七、八成的學生贊同整體內容有西文語言知識的獲得和口譯技巧的掌握,大部分人也表示會將本網站推薦給其他同學。在檢定學習者特質與教案內容的觀後感方面,其結果顯示:高網路使用者對教案的外語學習功能給予肯定評價。在技術與畫面呈現方面,多數認為技術層面操作人性化、文字說明清楚易懂以及圖形具引發學習興趣之功能。同時,檢定結果也顯示,網頁的文字敘述在表達的清晰度與傳達訊息的功能上有一定的水準;而淡江大學上過口譯課的大多數學生皆認為本網站可以達到達輔助口譯學習的目的。整體而言,我們相信「商務口譯教學網頁」之設置,無論對教學或對自我進修都具存在之正面價值。本來,配合研究結果與計畫執行的目標,我們將朝以下兩方向努力:第一、力求整體內容設計之生動活潑、豐富多彩與生活化,以引發學習興趣與提昇學習效率。第二、致力增進呈現功能的完善性與靈活度,以達真正訓練口譯之最終目的。 |
英文摘要 | The present paper mainly aims to study the feasibility of teaching on-line Spanish-Chinese interpretation through the Website of ITBI, by providing positive arguments in favor of Spanish-Chinese interpretation and Internet teaching from the perspective of interpreting experiences, teaching experiences and previous researches. It also attempts to evaluate the design of the course content as well as the technical framework utilized on this website based on the interactions between teachers and Internet technology as well as student questionnaire. From the questionnaire, it transpires that most students are in agreement as far as the following three areas, i.e. “language knowledge”, “background knowledge” and “skills” are concerned. They help the student a great deal in interpretation. It is also believed that the overall course design should be able to help the student to master Spanish language and the skills of interpretation. With respect to the examination of the relationships between student characteristics and their feedbacks on the course design, statistical results show that students with a high Internet access can more accurately judge the show that students with a high Internet access can more accurately judge the function of foreign language learning through this website. In their comments on the technical framework used, most of them indicate that it is user-friendly, the explanations are clear and the pictures can enhance their motivation to learn. As a result, many students think that it is worthwhile to recommend this web site to other people. In conclusion, we believe that the ITBI Website of this project has played a positive role in teaching as well as in self-education. The results will help to improve this project in the future and offer not only theoretical significance but also practical reference in the field of foreign language teaching on the Internet as well as in the area of interpretation in Taiwan. |