題 名 | 高雄地區國中三年級低智商學生在WISC-III的測驗表現分析=The Analysis of WISC-III Scores of the Third-Grade Junior High School Students with IQ 55-70 in Kaushiung Area |
作 者 | 胡文崇; | 書刊名 | 東臺灣特殊教育學報 |
卷 期 | 4 2002.11[民91.11] |
頁 次 | 頁1-27 |
分類號 | 529.62 |
關鍵詞 | 輕度智能障礙; 智力測驗; WISC; WISC-III; Mild mental retardation; Intelligence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究分析高雄市及高雄縣89及90學年度國中三年級參加學習障礙學生鑑定之低智商 (IQ55-70) 受試者的WISC-Ⅲ測驗表現。主要研究結果如下: 1. 所有低智商學生之智商平均數如下:FIQ 為64.86,VIQ 為64.52,PIQ 為70.71,VCI 為為73.05,FDI 為69.35,PSI 為73.04 。 2.整體而言,低智商之受試者語文屬性之智力功能具有較明顯之限制。就受試者人數而言,男女比例為2.63:1。 3.PIQ與VIQ之差距≧20 者佔24.6%,POI與VCI二項因素智商差距≧15者佔38.3%,POI與FDI二項因素智商差距≧15者佔25.9%,POI與PSI二項因素智商差距≧15者佔與FDI二項因素智商差距≧15者佔17.2%,VCI與PSI二項因素智商差距≧15者佔41.2%,FDI與PSI二項因素差距≧15者佔25.9%。 4.一般而言,表現較低的分測驗為「理解測驗」、「詞彙測驗」、「類同測驗」、;表現較佳之分測驗則為「迷津測驗」、「物型配置」此外,就記憶廣度之與而言,順背「圖畫補充」、。「順背」「逆背」約高於逆背3-4個數字。 5.迴歸分析顯示,首先進入預測各項學業表現之迴歸模式的變項皆非全量表智商、語文量表智商、作業量表智商等三項量表智商。 6.因素分析顯示,十二個分測驗可歸類為五個因素:知覺組織、生活常識、處理速度、知覺系列、語文理解。 7.完全符合ACID、ACIDS、SCAD組型者皆為0.7%。WDI>.20 佔43.0%。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study was to analyze the WISC-Ⅲscores of the third-grade junior high school students with IQ 55-70 in Kaushiung area. The major results were concluded as follows: 1.The average WISC-ⅢIQ scores for all subjects were:FIQ-64.86 、VIQ-64.52 、PIQ-70.71 、VCI-65.29 、POI-73.05 、FDI-69.35 、PSI-73.04. 2. The lower subtest scores of WISC-Ⅲ were Comprehension 、Similarities 、Vocabulary;the higher subtest scores were Maze 、Picture Completion 、Object Assembly. 3.The percentage of discrepancies between different scale scores and index scores were as follows:∣PIO -VIQ∣≧20 was 14.6% 、∣POI-VCI∣≧15 was 38.3% 、∣POI-FDI∣≧15 was 25.9% 、∣POI-PSI∣≧15 was 27.1%、VCI-FDI∣≧15 was 17.2%、∣VCI-PSI∣≧15 was 41.2%、∣FDIPSI∣≧15 was25.9%. 4.There wasn't significant difference in academic performance between most groups with IQs differences to meet clinical criterion or not. 5.The regression analysis indicated that the best index score for predicting academic performance weren't FIQ 、VIQ 、PIQ. 6.There were five factors in WISC-Ⅲ 13 subtests : (1)Perceptual Organization : Block Design 、Object Assembly 、Picture Completion;(2) Living Information:Information 、Arithmetic 、Similarities;(3)Processing Speed:Coding 、Symbol Search;(4)Perceptual Sequence:Picture Arrangement 、Maze;(5)Verbal Comprehension:Comprehension 、Digit Span 、Vocabulary. These five factors explain 61.27% cumulative variance of the 13 subtests of WISC-Ⅲ. 7.The percentage of full-meeting profiles of the all subjects were:ACID profile was 0.7%, ACIDS profile was 0.7%,SCAD profile was 0.7%,and the percent of WDI >.20 was 43.0%. |