題 名 | 秦觀的賦論與賦作初探=The Fu's Theories and Practices of Qin-Guan |
作 者 | 廖國棟; | 書刊名 | 成大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 10 2002.10[民91.10] |
頁 次 | 頁29-47 |
分類號 | 821.92 |
關鍵詞 | 宋代; 秦觀; 賦; 騷賦; 律賦; 文賦; 賦論; Sung dynasty; Qin-Guan; Fu; Sao-Fu; Wen-Fu; Lu-Fu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 秦觀是宋代著名的文學家,在蘇門學士之中,是一位文才敏捷,思路清晰,又謹守格法作家。唯學者大多注意他的詞作成就,較少注重他的辭賦。其實他在賦體文學方面,堪稱本色當行,無論在律賦、騷賦、文賦三個領域都有傑出的成就。不僅有辭賦創作,而且有辭賦理論,就辭賦研究而言,值得高度重視。 秦觀的賦作體式多樣,有騷賦體、文賦體、律賦體;題材廣泛,有記遊之作,有詠物之作,有詠史之作。篇幅雖然不大,但相當精緻耐讀。本文試就律賦、騷賦、文賦等三個方面,對秦觀的賦論和賦作進行初步的研究。 |
英文摘要 | Qin-Guan (秦觀 1049~1100), also named Qin Shao-You (秦少游), was one of most distinguished literate poets among the school of Su-Shi (蘇軾) in the Sung Dynasty. He was famous of his sensibility and clear way of thinking in his writing. So far, the majority of scholars working on his literary works focused on Qin-Guan’s works of morphology – Ci (詞). However, his eminent works on Fu (賦) consisting of theories and practices have been neglected for a long time. This became a significant gap for scholars in the studies of Qin-Guan to meet. The varieties of works done by Qin-Guan were attractive to literature scholars in later generations. Apart from his works of morphology, Qin-Guan had completed a large number of writings in the way of Fu (賦) which were characterized by three different forms of literary style including Lu-Fu (律賦), Wen-Fu (文賦), Sao-Fu (騷賦). He wrote various topics out of daily life such as traveling, individual stories as well as sceneries. In this research project , my attention is to proceed the tentative study on writings of Fu (賦) accomplished by Qin-Guan in order to find out more characteristics of his works. |