- 發現孩童與失去孩童--論魯迅對孩童屬性的建構
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題 名 | 發現孩童與失去孩童--論魯迅對孩童屬性的建構=Discovering Children and Losing Children: Lu Xun's Construction of Children's Identity |
作 者 | 顏健富; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 20:2=41 2002.12[民91.12] |
頁 次 | 頁301-325 |
分類號 | 827.3 |
關鍵詞 | 魯迅; 孩童; 屬性; 吶喊; 徬徨; Lu Xun; Children; Identity; Call to Arms; Nahan; Wandering; Panghuang; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本篇論文討論在新舊中國的交嬗中,孩童的屬性在特定話語體系下的轉變,從孩童與國族命運的關係探討魯迅對孩童屬性的建構。將五四的「長者本位」移位向「幼者本位」的孩童論述,放到魯迅個人「吶喊」到「徬徨」的精神歷程參照,從中分析孩童形象的移位。在《吶喊》集裡,受傳統舊文化荼毒的孩童被塑造成亟待拯救的「被害者」,作為反抗傳統的指標,而在《徬徨》集裡一變而為庸眾的共犯,反射的是作者的「徬徨」歷程,已不再吶喊。由此指出魯迅在高喊「救救孩童」的同時,卻讓孩童背負著沈重的時代負擔,又以另一種意識型態的牢籠框套著孩童。孩子帶有如此大的轉折,其屬性一再被重構,顯示了孩童在「幼者本位」下的被「發現」,卻與「失去」是一體兩面的。 |
英文摘要 | Discursively speaking, the identity of children was transformed during China’s evolution from a feudal to a republican society. While taking into consideration the children's relationship with China as a nation, this article tries to explicate Lu Xun’s construction of children's identity. By placing the discourse on children that changed from being “elderly orientated” to “youth oriented” during the May Fourth Era within the context of the progression of Lu Xun’s spiritual development from Call to Arms (Nahan吶喊) to Wandering (Panghuang 徬徨), the paper will analyze the consequent shift of the image of children. Nahan depicts children as being victims poisoned by traditional culture, revealing Lu Xun’s unyielding resistance against old traditions. On the other hand, Lu Xun’s Panghuang represents a cry of bewilderment, as the children unexpectedly became accomplices of the philistines. One can argue that Lu Xun, despite his call to save the children, put that era's responsibilities on their shoulders, imprisoning them within an ideological prison. In this process of perpetual transformation and reconstruction, the discovery and loss of children in the newly “youth oriented” China were in reality two sides of the same coin. |